I can't fix you

35 2 5

Karol sat at the edge of her bed, looking through her phone when she heard a knock on the door. She excitedly got up and walked over to answer

Her expression changed immediately when she saw the boss that hired her

"Hello Karol, can we speak for a moment" The boss spoke, looking over her shoulder


Karol seemed confused "Sure"

The two stepped outside

"So Karol, I've been receiving a lot of complaints from Lill's scouts about your behavior and how you've always been angry"

Karol frowned "Listen I've just been-"

"Karol" The boss said in a stern voice

Karol quickly quieted herself as the boss continued

"I cannot let this behavior continue, you're fired
Karol groaned as she held her head in her hands, looking down at the ground

Her phone went off and she looked over at it, noticing it's a text from Riya

R: Is everything ok?
K: I got fucking fired from my job

She got up from her seat and looked at herself in the broken mirror

The crack going across the left side of her face. She sighed as she walked out of the room
"So you fucked up again haven't you?" A dark figure with glaring red eyes spoke, looking down at Karol

Karol felt herself trapped as she ran around the area, only to be stopped by a invisible wall inside a dark room

"Listen, I've been working on my anger problems ever since my ex left me" She cried out

"And where did that lead you to? Yeah" The figure approached Karol

"Just as pathetic" The figure spat "You can kiss your little crush goodbye"

The figure grabbed Karol's head as a pic of her and Lill appeared in front of her

Karol's breath became quicker as she glanced at the photo

"Just like your ex, you're left in the dust" The figure shoved Karol to the ground

Karol glanced up and-
Lill started pounding her fist against the door "Dang it Karol answer the door"

There was no response and Lill has been knocking on the door for 5 minutes

She looked under the mat and spotted a key, she quickly grabbed it and unlocked the door

"Karol!" Lill called out into the house, noticing Karol's animals looking at Lill with a worried expression

She saw their expressions and frowned "Where is she?"

They led her to Karol's bedroom, it's a complete mess but Karol is nowhere in sight

Lill started panicking as she looked around for her

The door creaked open slightly and Lill prepared herself for what awaits her on the other side

She found Karol on the floor with a pill bottle in hand with pills spilling on the floor

"Karol!" Lill panicked as she performed CPR, becoming more and more anxious as she called emergency services
Karol woke up in the hospital. She looked around with a confused expression

"What happened?" She asked

"You overdosed and nearly died" The doctor responded

"Wait how-" Karol was confused before seeing Lill enter

"You invited me over but never answered the door so I let myself in and-"

Karol whispered to the doctor, the doctor nodded and left the room

The door shut and Lill hugged Karol, holding her close to her

The two stayed like this for a while before Lill looked at her

"I heard you were fired, listen even if you're fired, I'll still be here" She smiled

Karol blushed softly and tightly hugged her "Thanks"

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