chapter 5

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Daliah's palms sweated against the chiffon of her pale blue dress as her father gave his speech. She already knew what was coming. She would face her people as their princess for the first time. Whoever recognized her from her moments stolen away from the castle in the night, she wondered what they'd think or if they'd spread rumors of Daliah's nighttime adventures through Castle Town

She swallowed the lump in her throat as her father stepped away, and her arm outreached for her. She took his hand and stepped forward from the obscurity of the canopy into the light and into a clear view of the city. Deafening cheers erupted from the citizens, and Daliah began waving at them all, soaking in the moment.

She actually felt like a princess for the first time in her life. She smiled brightly at the people below, despite her nerves. She looked from face to face, seeing if maybe she recognized anyone from her favorite art gallery. She paused when a gleam of brilliant green pierced through the crowd, almost instinctively she looked directly at the set of eyes staring back at her. Her smile faltered slightly, and she paused her wave to study him. The black waves framed his face, obscured by a hood just enough to darken his face and hide his features, but not nearly enough for Daliah. She knew she'd recognize that face anywhere. Daegon. She lost herself in his piercing gaze, a longing hidden deep in the emerald glint. She felt a connection, unsure of what or why. All she could feel in this moment was his presence. Her breath became short, her face felt hot, and her head became light.

"Daliah? Daliah!" King Rhoam whispered urgently beside her, still smiling. "What's wrong, darling?" He chuckled, trying to maintain composure. It snapped Daliah back to her senses, and she blinked, gasping lightly.

"Ah, n-nothing, Father." Daliah said, continuing to wave to the people, but her gaze remained fixed on Daegon's. She hoped he was here for the ball, and she found herself wanting to see him.

A few moments of waving and the cheering finally died down as King Rhoam raised his hands, commanding the people's attention once again.

"My beloved people, in 3 days' time, we will be holding a ball! I hope to see some of you there. Princess Daliah Isilme Regalis will be matching with a suitor at the ball! Seven blessings to you all and farewell!" He shouted merrily across the courtyard before escorting his daughter inside. Daegon watched as she looked back over her shoulder one last time before just disappearing out of view. Daegon's heart throbbed in his chest, the mere action of leaving her presence was agony. Daegon knew he had to see her at all costs. He had to confirm in himself if she was the one. He hoped she was, he couldnt ask for a more beautiful and charming mate.

He left the courtyard and into a mailhouse, where pigeons and letter handlers tended to letters and seeds bowls.

"Good evening, sir!" A letter handler called from behind the counter without looking at Daegon, fixated on a pigeon being fitted with a backpack.

"Good evening." Daegon said, his voice rumbling a little more beast-like than he'd wanted. He didn't realize just how much being around her worked him up. He cleared his throat and pulled a few silver coins from his pocket.

"Could you send a letter to Wyveria for me?" He asked the letter handler.  He turned around and looked at Daegon, eyebrow raised. His ginger curls splayed about messily around his face under his blue cap. His mustache covered most of his top lip and expression, hiding his confusion and suspicion.

"Well, sure, it would take a couple of days to get there, though." He said, watching Daegon carefully. Daegon kept his head tilted down, hiding his eyes and most of his face.

"Please do, that will be fine." Daegon murmured, tugging the hood of his cloak a little lower. The letter handler turned away, fetched a piece of paper and a quill and inkpot, and slid it across the counter for Daegon, spilling some of its contents across the weathered wooden surface

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