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Inspired by All Time Low's Six Feet Under the Stars

1st and 2nd verses are in Faye's POV, chorus and bridge are in Yoko's

I know I said this is a one-shot, but I divided the story into parts for easier reading. Enjoy! :)

[This is a fictional work, set in an alternate universe. For entertainment purposes only.]


You're almost 25, and one of the supporting characters of this upcoming drama. You find calm and solace on your condo's rooftop after a long night of shooting an episode. Surprisingly, a young girl was already standing on your spot.

"Excuse me. Excuse me, that's my spot." Wondering why she couldn't hear you, you had to approach and tap her on the shoulder.

The girl took off her earphones and apologized. She was about to leave, but she recognizes you as the woman from Miss Grand Thailand, and mentions a few of the TV shows you've been in. You smile. You get that a lot, you said.

For some reason, you want her to keep you company. So you asked if she could stay. She agrees - reluctantly at first, but becomes at ease later.

"It's the first time I've seen you. Are you new here?"

"Yeah. I just moved in two weeks ago. But it's my first time hanging out on the rooftop - practice sessions have been tough on my schedule."

"Practice sessions for what, if I may ask?"

"Oh I'm in a girl group, about to debut soon! Although...." Her voice trailed off, then paused.

You find out she overheard a conversation earlier that day - she's not included in the final lineup. You feel hurt, how can someone so talented not make it? But you realized you've just met.

You continue your conversation with her and discover that she is also an actress; acting since she was a child (ah, so that's why she looked very familiar too). The feeling of sadness forms in your chest as she told you she was thinking of telling the agency that she's quitting before they even tell her the news. At least she still has acting to go back to, she said.

"Looks like you're the one who needs company." You smiled, grabbing a Jager from your pocket and sipping a drink. You made the mistake of offering her the bottle; the young girl accepted and already took a shot before quietly confessing she's still 18. You felt so bad you couldn't speak for a while after you apologized.

"Hey it's okay, don't worry. I don't like how it tastes anyway. But I might try it again once I get older." Her smile became a wide, naughty grin. "But may I ask, how old are you?"

"24, turning 25 next month."

"Really? I thought you're just about 21 or 22! By the way, happy birthday in advance." She smiles at you and your heart just melts a little.

You let out a chuckle. "I'm not fond of flattery, to be honest. But thank you."

"Can we be friends?"

"Sure, why not?"

"I'm Yoko. Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too, Yoko. You can call me Faye."

You shook each other's hands. The look on her face is something you haven't seen on anyone in your life - bright, endearing, full of hope. Maybe you made the right decision of asking her to stay after all.

Hours passed by quickly, both of you really enjoying each other's company. You suddenly realized she might be off for a schedule early tomorrow, but she told you their manager let them have the day off. Ours too, you said. Coincidence? Definitely not.

As she went on telling you about her interests and asking you about random things, you wonder - how can someone so young be so seasoned in life? You admire her already. Yes, you've just met. And yes, she's 7 years younger than you. But who cares? You don't.

You wanted to spend the rest of the night with her on that rooftop. Then again, it's better to cut short your time with her tonight and see her often instead, right?

So you tell her, "Hey, let's do this again tomorrow."

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