Tease Gusion x Lesley [Gusley]

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This is the most funniest moments of the Gusley Ship just because they used to tease each other and now they're couple now they can still tease and mess with each other now so the Alumiya and Granevere ship is also featured here but with the Fanlaude ship too so let's see that now

Lesley; I need some time with my friends but I'll be back Ate Fanny I promise to you that

Fanny; Promises can't do anything they can be broke easily if you didn't grant it Lesley

Guinevere; Right now you can hangout with your friends Ate Lesley I am willing you can

Miya; Guinevere was right something Lesley she saying this reminder that you can keep now

Meanwhile Gusion and Lesley were teasing each other now....

Gusion; Lesley you do hate someone who likes to tease Guinevere but why

Lesley; Hmph well I don't like someone who likes to tease my little sister

Guinevere; Ate Lesley you've been teasing Big brother Gusion why is that

Lesley; Just because he was teasing me too Gwen you can go with Granger

Gusion; You know that my little brother is not feeling well today now Lesley

Guinevere; But I want to see him even he's not feeling well please Big brother Gusion

Lesley; Aww but Gwen was ready to see him now please Gusion let her see Granger

Gusion; Fine come with me Guinevere you can take good care of him now thanks 

Lesley; Can we both go on a date now Gusion because I've been bored now babeee

Gusion; You're so cute Lesley while pleasing to me and pouting was really cute on you

Meanwhile at the Castle Atlas with Guinevere and Granger [Granevere shippers be ready now for their sweet moments]

Granger; What are you doing here Gwen didn't I tell you that I'm not feeling well today

Guinevere; I know that Granger so I am here to take care of you now so don't be tsunderish

Granger; I'm not tsundere Gwen maybe you are the tsundere one here now 'coughing hardly'

Guinevere; Stop talking first Granger your voice is a bit hoarse so you cannot talk yet ok hmm

Granger; 'in lower voice' Sorry because my throat was hurting me ever since I got sick yesterday

Guinevere; You were sick yesterday huh but I am sure that you're gonna be fine soon Granger

Granger; Do you promise Gwen that I am gonna be alright but I guess I needed some rest please

Guinevere; Alright then I'll let you rest Granger You can tell me if you need something alright ok

[Gusion and Lesley came back home now]

Lesley; Are you hungry  Granger we brought you some food and some medicine ok

Granger; Yeah I am hungry now Ate Lesley can I have some egg sandwhich please

Lesley; Here's your egg sandwhich Granger eat well for you to get some energy now

Gusion; How is he when we were still walking around outside Gwen is he that clingy

Guinevere; Nope he's not but he told me something funny when you're teasing hihihi

Granger; I didn't tell you that Gwen you're good at lying you know that already I caught you

AUTHOR'S NOTE; Edited again sorry so yeah but don't worry about it so I'mma take a bath now I've been sweating sorry guys

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