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For the last three hours, Lizette remained fixated on the man peacefully dozing beside her, wearing only the sheets of that bed, each of his breaths lightened her heart.

"What are you thinking about, dear?" She said to that light, Paul, who opened his big brown eyes and looked at her with endearment and wonder.

Lizette felt her cheeks flush at that sight, already dreading the inevitable end of that moment. Once they had to leave the motel, she knew she would have to share him with a world that didn't deserve him.

She had to milk each remaining moment there.

"Now that we've taken this important step," she said, taking Paul's hand to her face, "I can't wait to take the next one."

Paul let out a laugh that made her smile.

"Always running, aren't you?" He said.

"That's how you met me, and that's how I'll stay. Any regrets?" she said, raising an eyebrow playfully.

"None at all" Paul said with his bright smile, and leaned his body towards Lizette to kiss her, changing their positions so he was fully on top of her.

She really didn't want that moment to end.

But like everything good in this world, it did. He accompanied her on foot to her small house. They said goodbye to each other at the door, despite Lizette's eager invitation for him to enter and say hello to her mother.

Upon his departure, she entered home to find her mother waiting for her in the hallway. It was a rare occasion indeed to see her emerge from the shadows of her room, clad only in a nightgown with her dark hair woven into a side braid, her smile as radiant as ever.

"And...? How was it?" She asked, grabbing her daughter's arms and dragging her to the living to sit on the couch.

Lizette let out a sigh of satisfaction and let herself fall on it.

"You were right, about everything. All the times I prepared myself and practiced for it didn't even compare to the real deal."

"And did he treat you well? Was he a gentleman? What did he say to you after the climax?"

"Mom!" Lizette scolded with a blushed smile, but she leaned on the back pillow to continue talking, "He treated me like a queen, and when we were enjoying the naked silence we talked and talked about our future together. We decided that as soon as we graduate from our respective degrees we will get married."

Lizette was sure her mother would jump and scream in excitement, as she used to with each new stage of her daughter's love life, instead, her body language became serious, analytical, and rigid.

"Why does he want to wait? That would be, what? seven more years?"

"It would be five," Lizette said reassuring, "and well... he wants to get married outside this city, when we both work and can afford the wedding of our dreams."

Her mother tilted an eyebrow.

"And what other plans has he made with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"When will you open a bank account together? Will it be a joint account? Where will you live? How will he provide for you? And most importantly, any decision that involves the 'C' word."

Lizette made another reassuring gesture with her hands.

"Mom, we have plenty of time to worry about those things, we're just entering tenth grade. He said there's no need to rush, we can let this evolve naturally."

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