Lizette II

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Immediately after she sat to eat, Lizette's mother realized something was wrong and asked her about it. Without hesitation, she told her mother everything that had happened that day.

"Oh, my love," her mother said with a pitiful expression, "that's why I told you to wait until marriage, that way, he would have understood the true meaning of commitment once his possessions became legally yours. You know I'll support you no matter what, but..."

"But he isn't bored of me," Lizette interrupted, "we've been getting together these weeks."

"I noticed," her mother remarked. "But if he's anything like your father, I wouldn't be surprised if he only maintained his relationship with you to love-bomb you into his bed. He likely enjoyed the challenge, and now he's eager to move on and find another, younger woman."

Lizette stood up aggressively, unable to stop the headache from taking over her mind.

"No! mom...!"

"But," her mother interjected, raising her hand from the table in a gesture of reassurance, "I'm speaking from my own experience. And I may be wrong in likening your boyfriend to your father. It's not like he goes to night clubs or something to look for fresh meat like he did."

Lizette's eyes widened and her heart dropped to the bottom of her stomach.

"He's going to the karaoke today..." Lizette whispered.

"To where?!" Her mother stamped her hands on the table.

Lizette stayed silent for several seconds, memories of the last time her mother went to such a place flashing to mind.

When Lizette was seven, her mother roused her from sleep at two in the morning, still clad in her nightgown. She ushered her into her father's car and drove them to a drinking bar.

As they arrived, Lizette's mother noticed him engaged in an animated conversation with the female bartender. Her anger was solely directed at the girl, hurling insults her way and only being restrained by her husband. At one heated point, Lizette's mother lifted her daughter high, ensuring that her husband and everyone in the bar knew he had a family. Then she confronted him, asking, "Aren't you ashamed?"

Her father never returned to that place again, and her mother seemed quite satisfied with that accomplishment.

"They're going to celebrate before the state championship," said Lizette, "it's true, his teacher told me when I asked her."

"And you believed him?" Her mother's tone was incredulous. "Haven't you learned anything from what happened to me? He's likely off to meet another girl, probably one of the many admirers who gaze at him with starry eyes right in front of you. He's testing your limits, seeing how much you'll let him get away with."

As soon as she said those words, the harsh realization struck Lizette like a sword, and then everything came crashing down.

She closed her eyes and hid her face on the table in her hands.

"Well...! What do you want me to say now!? You are probably right! I'm just another stupid, naive girl... Okay? I'm sorry mom, I'm sorry..."

But her mother gave her an answer she wasn't expecting.


Confused, she lifted her head again and looked at her mother's face.

"So, what?"

"What are you going to do about it?"

Her mother's face was now stern, she almost looked dangerous, what did she want from her!?

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