chapter twenty-one.

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"TELL ME THE truth, Amelia." Nathaniel's voice is deceptively soft. "Enough lies."

Chewing my nails anxiously, a sick feeling creeps in. I just woke Miss Magnolia up so she could take Elodie for me and now I face the prospect of seeing Anthony, when I would really rather never speak to him ever again.

In the hallway of my apartment building, we wait for Reaper to get ready.

"It's my sister," I whisper, feeling more vulnerable than I have in a long time, unable to meet his eyes. "That's who my step-father is threatening. He wants custody of her...and I can't let that happen."

There is a long moment of silence where I feel dangerously close to crying. I never wanted to show too much weakness in front of Nathaniel, but I think that boat may have sailed already.

"You did all of this for her," he says, his voice hollow.

"I'd do anything for her," I reply, wiping at my cheek as a single tear trickles out. I tilt my head up to look at him and find him staring at me with a kind of intensity that makes my heart pound. His mouth opens to say something, but then Reaper emerges from the door to my apartment.

The three of us head outside in heavy silence.

The black limousine parked on the street is sleek and out of place, just as Nathaniel is out of place in this part of the city. He belongs in high rises and penthouses and nightclubs, not run down suburban neighborhoods.

"Wait here," Nathaniel instructs and moves forward to make a phone call.

"Do you think he's going to use El against me?" I whisper to Reaper, concern bleeding into each word.

"It's going to be fine," is his terse reply.

"How do you know?"

His jaw tightens but he doesn't respond.

Ten minutes later, a gray Audi swings onto the street and then comes to an abrupt halt. I am surprised when Viktor unfolds his large form from the car and walks toward Nathaniel. The two exchange quiet words and Viktor's eyes lock onto Reaper momentarily, his eyebrows drawing down.

My heart is in my throat. I don't know exactly what role Viktor plays in Nathaniel's...operation, but I do know he's Bratva and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't protest against murder. Please tell me Nathaniel isn't ordering Reaper's death right now, I think to myself.

Viktor hands him a brown leather duffel bag—much like the one Nathaniel put my money in when I first borrowed it from him.

"Alright, let's go," Nathaniel announces, stalking back over to us.

I want to protest, but I don't dare. Reaper is silent as well.

The driver approaches us and Nathaniel makes me tell him Anthony's address. Then, the driver opens the back door for us and I thank him quietly as I slide in, my stomach in knots.

I've never been inside a limousine before. The long leather seats are comfortable and there's a mini fridge embedded into the far side.

Nathaniel slips inside next, settling down very close to me, the outside of his knee touching mine. I scoot across to put more distance between us just as Reaper climbs in and takes a seat opposite us.

"What are you going to do?" I ask quietly, eyeing the leather bag that Nathaniel places at his feet.

But he opts to ignore my question, instead asking one of his own. "How long has this been going on exactly?" His voice is tight, demanding, as he motions between Reaper and I.

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