[Chapter 1: Taiyaki]

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       "Lavender!!!"'The sound were surprisingly louder than the last time I came here.. '

"Are you ready?" 'The fans were screaming like crazy..'

       "If so.. Say who we are!" 

'I didn't expect to get invited to such crowded and noisy place.. Yet alone by my own friends.. They've never been interested in this kind of thing before.. But I'm surprised by how much this so called "Livone" girl group has influenced them so much.. And here they are.. screaming at the top of their lungs next to me..' Sigh..

       "Livone!!! Livone!!! We love you Livone!!!" 
     "Can you guys shut up?"
       "Livone!!! Livone!!! Livone!!!" 

'It's useless...' Sigh.. 'I guess I'll take a stroll outside'

"It's surprisingly chilly outside.." The cold night breeze whistled softly through his hair as he held a taiyaki wrapped in a paper bag in his right hand. "Should I be worry about that now..?" The moonlight shines upon him as he took a bite out of it.

The boy looked like he just turned 18 last year, he must be 19 now.. He just got a new haircut and even dyed her bottom hair black while her upper hair blonde. He's wearing a peacock blue flight jacket on the outside and a plain white shirt on the inside, a pair of dark blue jeans with a pair of white sneakers. Accessories a pair of silver hoop earrings and a silver chain bracelet on his right wrist. He's surprisingly tall, about 6' tall. He has a toned body, beautiful tan skin tone and the color of his eyes is yellow green. His name is Nishi-ni Riki.

"What are you doing out here alone?" A voice suddenly called out

'Who..?' I thought to myself as I turned around in surprise, only to see one of the member of the idol group Livone..

"Aren't you cold? That jacket of yours isn't enough to keep you warm." Zie Ei.. one of the Livone's members. 

I look at her, the expression she had was.. worry..? Why would an idol like her worried about me..  But before I knew it, she was already walking towards me.

"What are you spacing out for? Here, wear this." She put an expensive wool coat on me..

       "Thank you.. You don't have to." 'I didn't expected her to do that..'

     "Hey! Where did you get that Taiyaki from?" Zie Ei suddenly asked, with a curious smile displaying on her lips.
       "I bought it before I came here.." I responded to her, almost awkwardly.
     "No wonder.. Do you have more of it?" She asked again, leaning in closer slightly.
       "This is the last one.." I sighed quietly, glancing away from her, feeling my own heartbeat speeding up.
     "What..? Not fair.." She sighed in disappointment.
       "Would you like some?" I couldn't help but offered my food to her, rather nervously..
     "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" Fortunately, she accepted it.

       Started from today, I think.. I won't be able to forget the kindness she had shown me on that night. Zie Ei.. I think this won't be the first and last time we'll see each other again.

[To be continued]

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