Chapter 12 (Magnus): CRACK!

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After changing the bandage over my heart the next morning, I got dressed and headed out, carefully locking my room door behind me. Unfortunately, I got sidetracked by my president before I could make it out my door.

"In my office," he said. 

Treat didn't look happy, and when the president wasn't happy, that unhappiness had a tendency to spread to a lot of the brothers. I followed him into his office and shut the door.

"What the fuck happened with Lamia yesterday? And why was Cup in here this morning begging for me to send him on a run somewhere right away?"

"Walked into my room yesterday and Lamia was sitting on my bed, naked."


"Yeah, shit. You wouldn't let me get rid of her after she announced her fake pregnancy, naming me as the father, in front of the brothers."

"She was banned from the clubhouse, Warlock, but we needed her at the strip club. She's been the top waitress ever since she started. No one else comes close to selling that much top-shelf liquor. Proceeds have doubled since she started there. Doubled. Let that sink in when you realize how well the strip club was already doing. No fucking clue how she does it, just know that she does."

"Well, she's gone now after showing up in my room."

"Sorry, brother, but she's not gone."

I rarely felt rage and if I did, it was never directed at my president. Today was changing that because I wanted to kill him.

"She's not gone?"

"Need her at the strip club, so I'm going over there to meet her in an hour. I'll make it real clear to her that if she comes near you again, we're going to have a permanent solution to her bothering you. But I'm not going to let your issues with some pussy wreck a damn good thing we got going on at the strip club."

"You kidding me, Prez? You're not backing me on this?"

"Watch your tone, brother. As I said, I'm talking to her today and I'll make things real clear to her about what happens if she ever steps foot on the compound again."

I was ready to erupt and because he knew me so well, he could read my face. He pointed at me, correctly predicting that I was gearing up for a fight. "It's not up for discussion. You try to argue, we're going to have a fucking problem -- the kind of problem that would involve me stripping your rank."

I stilled. This motherfucker. "Anything else?" My lips barely moved and my question conveyed my I want to kill you mood to him.

"Yeah. I get you're not happy with my decision, but you're going to have to live with it because the money she brings into the strip club is fucking amazing. What you don't have to live with is a brother letting Lamia into your room with one of the spare keys. Feel free to beat the shit out of Cup since he's not going on a run and needs to learn a lesson."

 "Already planned on it with or without your permission."

He leaned over his desk. "Don't push me."

"You already pushed me."

"Watch your fucking attitude."

"Yes, sir, Mr. President," I practically sneered.

Before he could respond, I stormed out of his office and out of the clubhouse. Getting on my bike, I headed for Magnolia's because I wanted some answers about what the hell had happened yesterday.

I pounded on her door until she opened it. "What?"

"What the hell happened yesterday? I need some explanations."

WORK IN PROGRESS: Three Witches #1: Magnus and MagnoliaWhere stories live. Discover now