2. Tides of Reality Chapter 2 - Mei

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"But do we really have to!"-the boys complained the whole time Sky was trying to teach them. So that's how teachers feel?-she thought. "Yes, Master Wu told you to. Besides, so far only Zane has reached his full potential. You can't defeat snakes with powers alone. And definitely if you don't know their strenghts and weaknesses. Come on. I'm not going to teach you about how the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, just the weak spots of your opponents. It's thousand times more interesting."-When the ninjas finally shut their mouths, she continued. "This is the skeleton of a fangpyre. Its venom can mutate human cells into reptile cells. They can turn Humans into snakes like vampires. Be careful not to hurt yourself, its fangs are sharp, and there may still be poison in them."-Exactly as she was saying this, Jay happened to be playing with the remains and soon enough he accidentally pricked himself.
Eh, it's probably fine He didn't feel the venom starting coursing thru his veins yet.

"So don't let..."-Sky didn't finish because she was interrupted by a loud alarm informing everyone of a group of snakes. "Please tell me they're in the amusement park!"-Sky shouted, perhaps a little too excited about a situation of Pythor potentially getting fang blade and using it to unleash the Great Devourer to destroy all of humanity.

"Hey, Mei, are you free? Great! Can you come over? Were going to an amusment park. Yeah, boys, and their fights with snakes. See ya!"-Sky ended the phone call. "I'm coming with you."-She announced to the boys. They didn't have much to say in that matter.

When Mei finally arrived, they got a ride with Cole. Just when ninja landed, Mei and Sky walked in their own direction. Guys ran towards one of the rides, where the snakes were. That's when Jay noticed scales that started to appear on his hands.

The girls were sitting in the MegaMonster Restaurant at the time, and were just waiting for their order. Suddenly Sky asked -"Hey, remember our song?" And began singing "🎶My Heart's a stereo, it beats for you so listen close🎶". "🎶Hear my thoughts in every note🎶" - Mei finished the verse, and they began singing together, ignoring the annoyed looks other people were giving them "🎶Make me your radio and turn me up when you feel low. This melody was meant for you🎶". "🎶Just sing along to my stereo🎶"-They finished, upon being kicked out of the restaurant. But they couldn't care less. Still laughing they began walking towards an ice cream stand.

"One scoop chocolate chip and one mango please"-As they ordered, with smiles still on their faces, Jay ran up to Sky. "I am turning into snake"- He was freaked out and scared. "I knew it."-She sighed, and asked him - "What did you do?"
"W-Well, I hurt myself, while playing with that skeleton."-He answered, now sounding more guilty, than scared.
"And what did I tell you not to do?"-She asked again.
"To not hurt myself, because the fangs can still have poison in them."
"Okay, I know how to turn you back without an antidote. Your heart rate must get sped up real quick. I just don't know how to do that. Or you can just steal the antidote, like we did, when your parents got turned into snakes."
"I... might have an idea..."-Jay did his thinking face, and ran away.

"Man I would really love karaoke right now."
"I know a good karaoke place."-Mei chimed in and opened a portal with her vase. "Let's go!"- She shouted, dragging Sky with her. The brown-haired girl just got her phone to text ninjas to eat dinner without her.

The next few hours were filled with singing, dancing and laughter. By the time the girls were done with karaoke, it became apparent that it was too late to go back to ninjago, so Sky decided to stay the night at Mei's place. As soon as MK heard, he immidatelly showed up with his collection of Monkie Cop movies and Monkie King: The Animated Series.

A marathon of Monkey King movies, three boxes of ice cream and one makeover later, one night turned into two and half a day. That's what Sky loved about the duo. MK and Mei were just lovable little scamps. They could make anyone lose track of time. With them, you could forget the whole world. Just like over a year ago when they invented 'Portal Elixir' together. Actually, it was simply traveller's tea, boiled down to a state where it took on more of a liquid leaf form. One drop could open an interdimensional portal for two people.

When the girls finally returned to the ninjago, the ninjas told them about everything that had happened over the past few days.
"Wait, let me get this straight. I've been gone for three days. Three days! And you already joined a sing-and-dance competition, to get the second fang blade?!"-She summed everything up in a setence.
"Well... Yes"-confirmed Zane.
"Why didn't you say anything sooner? Mei? You're up?"-Sky turned to the black-haired girl. she nodded.
"Stereo Hearts?"
"Stereo Hearts."-confirmed Mei.

"Wait! You're entering the competition too?"-Asked Cole, shocked.
"Yes. The more of us the better the chances of winning. Or we can be a distraction for you to steal the trophy. Whatever."-All of them agreed with her and soon she and Mei started training for the competition. However, they didn't have much time, as it was only five days away.Finally, the great night arrived. The ninjas, of course, decided to dance instead of stealing. While they were performing on stage, in which the snake tail that Jay had not yet managed to get rid of was definitely not helping, the girls were still finishin their make-up and repeating the dance moves. Suddenly Sky heard a muffled scream from the closet. She and Mei went to check it out and when the brown-haired girl opened the door, they saw a guy in a suit bound and gagged inside.

"Hey, isn't that one of the judges?"-Mei asked.
"I think so"-confirmed Sky and closed the door.-"Eh, someone will find him in a few hours."

When it was finally their turn, the girls took to the stage and began their performance. "🎶My heart's a stereo it beats for you so listen close, hear my thoughts in every note🎶". - Their movements were so delicate, smooth and dynamic that the whole thing looked like a magical dance of fire and water. The moves arranged as if they hadn't practised for five days, but years. "🎶Make me your radio and turn me up when you feel low. This melody was meant for you🎶"- The performance was almost mesmerising. For those few minutes, only the two of them and the music existed. Nothing or no one. No matter, whether earthly or celestial, nothing mattered. It was as if the entire universe disappeared for those few moments. "🎶Just sing along to my stereo🎶"-They finished this truly magical dance, panting slightly, with smiles on their faces. The applause that rang out from the audience was so loud that the jury's words of "10" were barely audible. All of three gave them a 10. Even Pythor. It turned out that it was because of him that the boys only scored twenty out of thirty points.

Once all the participants had finished their performances, everyone gathered in front of the stage to present the winners with the trophy. The winners turned out to be Mei and Sky.

"But, us? Like, like me and you? H-How?"-Sky couldn't believe it.
"Girl we were awesome!"-Mei shouted. After receiving their trophy, the girls met with the ninja behind the stage, where Pythor, after his secret identity revelation, in the form of stripping a fake beard off his totally, super mega human face, announced that he had only impersonated the third judge. "But where's the real one?"-Kai asked, opening the door to the closet, where the same tied-up guy still sat.
"See? I told you someone will find him."-Sky reminded Mei, proud of herself. Suddenly Pythor grabbed the trophy and ran off. Or rather, slithered off. Unfortunately, he left behind several snake warriors who began to attack the ninja. One somehow mysteriously managed to drop some really heavy reflectors on Cole's father. Before anyone could say anything (and it's for the best, because the first thing Sky wanted to say was a semi-ironic "Oh, what a shame. And they just reunited :(") Cole dived in, and lifted the heavy stuff up, reaching his full potential, and freeing his father, who was then transported to the hospital with broken ribs. Cole got into the ambulance with him, and the rest of the squad returned to the Bounty.

"Don't you need to go back home?"-Sky reminded Mei.
"Oh yeah! Sorry, I kind of lost track of time and forgot about the world. Bye!"-she said goodbye, disappearing into the portal.
"Hey, how about a movie night?"-Jay suggested.
"Sorry, I still have some work to do, but the three of you can watch movies as long as you want. Just don't tell Wu I let you guys." Walking down the corridor she could already hear Starfarer on TV.

word count: 1531

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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