The Game Begins

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Next chapter target 100+ votes and 80+ comments and this time I ain't gonna update until the target is completed and my regular voters and commenters please don't ask me for updates 🫶

A man entered the hospital room taking slow steps, He walked towards Jungkook's bed with a cruel smile playing on his lips, his gaze immediately falling on sleeping jungkook on the bed.

He looked at Jungkook with a frown on his face because there was now a healthy flush on Jungkook's cheeks.

His breathing was steady, and a faint rise and fall of his chest indicated peaceful sleep, jungkook was getting healthier and healthier and This was not what he had expected.

He clenched his fists in anger, He cursed under his breath. Now he had to do something to make Jungkook health deteriorate

With a flicker of his wrist, a vial materialized in his hand, the crimson liquid within glowing with an eerie light. He uncorked it, a metallic tang filling the air.

Just as he reached to tip the vial's contents into the IV bag feeding into Jungkook's arm, he frowned seeing the IV bag already connected to Jungkook's hand

"But how ? I told that bast@rd lee not to give Jungkook any kind of fuck!ng medicne" he mumbled to himself

He was about to whip the iv syringe out of Jungkook's vein but stopped when he heard


Light, hurried footsteps approaching down the hallway. He whipped around, shoving the vial back into his pocket.

He had mere seconds to disappear. With a silent curse he walked inside the washroom, peeking from there.

He widened his eyes when he saw kim taehyung opening the door, tae stumbled forward, his legs weak and wobbly.

He slowly reached the bedside, Taehyung collapsed onto the small space beside on the bed , burying his face in his hands.

Tae couldnt control anymore, he bursted out crying, tears streamed down his face, hot and unchecked, soaking the fabric of his shirt.

He looked at Jungkook's face, His voice cracked as he spoke "J-Jungkook... When will y-you wake up?" he choked out, the question laced with raw pain. "W-Why are you p-punishing me like this?"

"I m-made a very big mistake," he cried softly resting his hand on jungkook's hand "Please," he begged, his voice dropping to a desperate plea. "Wake up and y-you can hit me, slap me... anything. J-Just don't be like this."

He squeezed Jungkook's hand tighter, willing some warmth back into it. 

"I w-was such an idiot. I never meant to hurt you, K-Kookie. Please, just give me a sign. S-Show me you're mad. Anything."

He leaned closer, his forehead resting on the cool back of Jungkook's hand.  "We promised each other, r-remember? No matter what, we'd face t-things together, grow o-old together, marry each other, D-Don't leave me alone now.  I need you."


taehyung cried softly caressing Jungkook's hand with his thumb

A single tear escaped from Jungkook's eye, tracing a glistening path down his cheek. Taehyung held his breath, his heart pounding in his chest

"Was it a dream?'

Taehyung squeezed his hand tighter, willing himself not to imagine things.

He leaned in even closer their breaths mingled, his voice a mere whisper.

"Jungkook? Baby.. Can you hear me? Please, squeeze my hand back if you can hear me" Taehyung's eyes scanning every inch of Jungkook's face for a sign, any sign.

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