Revealing The Truth

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It was 9 pm Friday, naina practically skipped out the automatic doors of the hospital with a relieved smile on her face.

she pulled out her phone, her thumbs flying across the screen as she texted kabir about her arrival letting him know she was out and about two streets away from the hospital

"Hey baby, I'm out of the hospital. Meet you at the usual spot?" – and she tapped send, expecting his quick reply.

naina stood on the usual spot waiting for a familiar bike but after a while, a frown creased her brow. Maybe he got caught in traffic? She tapped her foot impatiently, her smile fading with each passing second. Just as she was about to pull out her phone again

a gasp escaped her lips. A large hand clamped down over her mouth, stifling her scream, yanked her backwards

Before she could react, a strong arm wrapped itself around her waist, hoisting her effortlessly off the ground. She thrashed against her unseen attacker!

Panic surged through her. She clawed at the arm, kicking her legs out in a desperate struggle. A muffled whimper escaped her lips as she was shoved roughly into the back of a dark van, the door slamming shut with a heavy thud.

The van started moving making naina even more scared as tears started to fall from her eyes like waterfall

Her fingers fumbled around the darkness, searching for something, anything, to use as a weapon. But there was nothing and naina choked back a sob

Minutes bled into what felt like hours, each bump and turn of the vehicle scraping away at her remaining sliver of hope.

It felt like an eternity before the van stopped somewhere, the only sound the ragged gasps of her own breath.

There was a dead silence making naina swallow a lump inside her throat, someone opened the back door of the van, suddenly a harsh light speared through the darkness making naina squint her eyes

"Get down"

naina scrambled to her feet, her legs wobbly and weak. She stumbled out of the van, blinking against the sudden brightness.

Suddenly a man grabbed her arm with a bruising grip dragging her somewhere
naina gasped, her eyes widening in horror as she took in her surroundings. It was a warehouse, a desolate wasteland filled with stacks of rusted machinery and abandoned crates

The air hung heavy with the silence of disuse, broken only by the rhythmic drip of water from a leaky pipe somewhere overhead

They dragged her in a creepy room, In the center of the room, a single bare bulb cast a harsh white light on a chair.

Tears streamed down her face, blurring her vision as they roughly pushed her on the chair, A web of thick rope in their hands, and then they began to bind her wrists tightly, each knot rising her panic.

Confusion gnawed at her. Who were these men? Why was she here? Her mind raced, desperately searching for answers, for a connection to the events of the day. Was this the culprits's doing? Was it payback for helping Taehyung and Jungkook?

The warehouse door screeched open, A new figure stepped into the dim light, he had a cruel smirk on his face, naina flinched, a fresh wave of terror washing over her.

"Who are you?" she cried out loud as she looked at the unknown man

The man didn't reply immediately. He walked towards the chair, his every step were slow and teasing.

Finally, he stopped a few feet in front of naina, He tilted his head back smirking even more

"You've been meddling in affairs that don't concern you, Miss naina," he said and a chuckle escaped his lips, sending shivers down naina's spine "Now, you'll pay the price."

"I... I don't understand," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper. "What did I do? Why am I here?"

The man chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down her spine. He leaned closer, his voice dropping to a whisper "trying to act innocent huh ?"

naina chenched her teeth in anger, she raised her chin, naina met the man's gaze, her voice trembling but laced with newfound resolve. "Who are you?" she demanded "What do you want?"

"Well I am Jeon Kris," he introduced himself. A slow, unsettling smirk played on his lips. "Jungkook's cousin," he added, his voice was deep and scary

Suddenly, the set of familiar footsteps broke the silence, naina looked towards the door and she saw Jungkook's aunt and uncle walking inside, their faces mirroring Kris's smug expression

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Suddenly, the set of familiar footsteps broke the silence, naina looked towards the door and she saw Jungkook's aunt and uncle walking inside, their faces mirroring Kris's smug expression.

naina's eyes widened in a mix of surprise and disbelief. The smirk on Kris's face morphed into a full-blown, confident grin as he gestured towards his parents

"And they are my parents."

It was Jungkook's uncle and aunt

Her gaze darted between Kris, his parents and she gulped in horror, she couldn't understand anything her mind was totally blank

naina's brow furrowed in confusion. Her mind raced, replaying every interaction she'd ever had with taehyung, searching for any mention of a cousin. "But Jungkook doesn't have a cousin," she blurted out, her voice laced with disbelief.

Suddenly they bursted out laughing, a hearty, booming sound from Kris's parents and kris that sent chills down naina's spine and she became more nervous looking at the creepy family

Mrs. Jeon's eyes sparkling with amusement, leaned forward and addressed naina directly. "Oh, naina," she began, her voice dripping with a knowing smirk, "you wouldn't believe the lengths we've gone to keep Kris a secret."

naina's heart hammering against her ribs, could only manage a choked whisper

"B-But why ?"

Mr. Jeon, his face hardening with a sudden seriousness, leaned forward, his voice dropping to a low rasp

"Because we don't want the legacy divided between Jungkook and Kris," he declared, his gaze flickering between naina and Kris. "We want only our son to be the owner of the Jeon legacy. That's why I hid the fact that Kris is my son"

Mr jeon laughed so much this time and a drop of tear fell down from the corner of his eyes and he wiped it with his thumb, naina looked at them in disbelief

"And do you think Jungkook's parents' deaths were really just a simple car accident?"

Surprise it was Kris 😉

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