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Parrot's eyes skimmed the ground below, examining the reminisce of the burnt forest underneath him. His large wings batted harder, gaining altitude before quickly taking a nosedive. He aimed for two very distinct trees, crashing between them. From there, he entered a large, rocky clearing sheltered by tall fir trees that only let sunlight seep in.
Since leaving during the Great Fire, he didn't get to check on his wing's wellbeing. As he landed, he saw how the guild was barely damaged by flame. He clawed into the sandy ground towards the edge of the gorge, raising his tail in caution. He didn't want to make a large scene, though that would be inevitable considering his absence.
It didn't take long for other birds to start noticing him. Yowls of excitement and shock started ringing through the clearing, causing Parrot to sigh. "Parrot! Parrotâ€"he's back!" Cheers filled the ravine, causing more heads to pop out of shelters. He heard an older brown-and-gray tom, Turkey, bounding over to him. "Parrot, is it really you? We all thought you were dead!" Forcing his fur to lay flat, delivering his words as calmly as possible, "I'm not here for long. Where's Vulture?"
Turkey turned around to face Vulture already waiting for Parrot, alongside two others, Raven and Sparrow. "Parrot." He growled, his voice low and stern. "Hello, Vulture. Been awhile, hasn't it?" Parrot shot a look to Turkey, signaling him to get out of there. He obeyed, and bounded off, followed by the two aside Vulture, glaring at Parrot as they left.
"Where have you been?" Vulture shouted, not letting back. "It's been ages, Parrot! You left me with every single responsibility of this wing! That you created! And you leave it all on my shoulders, having to guide this wing without any assistance? You're supposed to be our chief. Not me. You left me alone during a fire! A war! Did you expect me to know what to do? What is wrong with you? Where did you even go? Why did you abandon us?" Parrot snarled, shaking his head lightly. "This wing is not my priority."
"Not your priority?" Vulture spat. "Then what are we? Why did you create this, why did you bring us together for us to just mean nothing to you? You were our only hope!"
Parrot only glared, his brows furrowed and his teeth baring. "I can't be a hero for everyone. Or anyone. That isn't me." "That's what you made yourself out to be!" Vulture's tail lashed, but traces of hurt were visible in his gaze. Parrot had none of it. "I don't care what you saw in me, all I did was round you up! You guys are no longer my responsibility. I left it in the paws of you. You are my deputy. You should be able to hold this wing on its paws."
"Now we aren't your responsibility? What are we supposed to be? What do you want from us?" Vulture hissed, sending Parrot over the edge in his rage. "Nothing!" Parrot yowled right into Vulture's face, "I don't want anything to do with this place anymore! I left for a reason! If you can't do this by yourself, then don't. Go to Griffin. Get your wings. Have your little tail-riders be your new deputies, I am done!"
Vulture opened his mouth to argue further, until a young hen came onto Parrot, nuzzling into his neck. "Oh Parrot, you're back!"
Parrot grunted in confusion, until nudging her off of him. "Robin, I'm in the middle of something," he grumbled to her quietly, his ears pinning back slightly. Robin pouted. "I'm sorry, darling, it's just been so long." "No, it's okay. We're done. I don't take that disrespect," Vulture practically interrupted, snarling. Robin and Parrot watched as he turned around, stomping away angrily. "Oh dear," Robin quietly gasped.
Parrot curled his lip, rolling his eyes, "Dear Griffin, one couldn't overreact more." Robin looked over to Parrot, cuddling slightly closer to him. "Well, hopefully your feud will resolve itself soon," She said, her voice gentle and soft, "Since you're back, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk? Just us?"
Parrot stood silently for a moment, gazing off, before responding in his low tone, "Well, I suppose." Robin's tail shot up, and she smiled with all her expression. "I found a very nice walkplace during a patrol. Let me take you there." Parrot nodded, letting Robin lead the way whilst staying by her side.

They had been walking aimlessly for a while, staying in a long awkward silence. Parrot glanced over to Robin, noticing her nervously shuffling her paws, tail twitching lightly. He looked around, examining the scenery a little more. "I noticed that our territory hasn't been touched by the fire much," Parrot thought aloud, breaking the silence, giving Robin an opening to speak. "I know!" She hesitated lightly before continuing, "You've missed so much, Parrot… And, of course, I have some news to share as well." Parrots ears perked, but left his expression blank. "Oh? What would that be?"
Robin stopped walking and looked up into Parrot's eyes. He noticed the anxiety and excitement glistening in her eyes, smiling. She shuffled her paws nervously and took a breath, "I'm pregnant," she spoke in a soft, gentle voice.
Parrot's eyes widened, his fur prickled up with excitement. "And it's…mine? Ours?" he croaked out in shock. Robin nodded, her smile only getting bigger. "I found out shortly after you disappeared." Parrot looked ahead, trilling gently. "My legacy can live on."
Robin giggled, nuzzling into Parrot's neck. "I'm so happy you're finally home safe. I was so sure I was going to have to raise our chick alone." Parrot's expression suddenly dropped, and he glanced down at Robin. "Happy I'm home?" he repeated, confused. "You know I'm not staying here, right?"
Robin stared at him, her smile fading and her eyes filling with worry. "Wait, what do you mean?" She chuckled nervously, her tone more desperate. "Of course you're staying! Right?" Parrot shook his head. "I can't stay here. I'm not wanted here. My legacy doesn't continue in this place."
Robin leapt in front of Parrot as he started to unfold his wings, readying to take off. "Parrot, no! What do you even mean? You have an entire wing under you! A mate, a family you're starting! Your friends! You can't just leave us!" "Listen, Robin," Parrot grumbled, "I have other responsibilities now. My mother needs me, I can't stay here."
Robin cowered, her eyes dampening, ears pinned back. "But I…I thought we were in love. I love you." Parrot stepped in front of her, looking back. "I don't," he hissed, "And you don't either. You're not in love with me. You're in love with the idea of me. You're in love with the nice guy you paint me to be in your head. You're in love with the good you think is in me." Robin whimpered, shaking her head, not believing a word Parrot was saying. "I was never in love with you," he continued, not even letting her process, "I couldn't be even if I wanted to. I'm sorry you're pregnant, but find someone else. I am not yours. I can't keep it up any longer."
He beat his wings, lifting himself off the ground and soared off, leaving Robin speechless and alone. She collapsed to the ground, sobbing and confused.

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