Moving Back

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I woke up the next morning and started getting ready for school

I walk downstairs and see Jake and Katie making out on the couch

I smile and walk to the kitchen and start making breakfast

After I finished I served everyone and  put the plates on the dining table

Y/n: Lovebrids!! Lovebirds!! Stop sucking on each other and come eat, or you're food will get cold

They stop and laugh and get up and sit on one of the chairs and start eating

I join them and we talked for a bit

Y/n: Guys... I was thinking about something

Katie: Are you okay? Do you need a doctor

Y/n: No... I was going to move back with my friend, and see a therapist... I'll be leaving in about two weeks.

Jake: Well, I had a great few months spending this time with you. I wish you well on your journey from here

He smiles as Katie looks down

Y/n: You'll still help me produce a song right. We just have to meet up on our own time *laughs as he nods and looks at Kate* You okay, Katie?

Katie: I don't want you to leave. I like eating the food you make. Helping us when we need it.

Y/n: I'll always help you guys. Just not with housework anymore, just schoolwork. I'm sorry. But I over stayed my time here. We will be friends. And even when I leave, cuz I'm going back to Korea next year with them. I'll still be your friend and you can call whenever you want. I might not always answer but I will try. And I'm still paying the place we are staying at. And you guys are welcomed to come over there whenever you want. The owner even has a dance room and a soundproof room were I record our songs.

Katie looks up with tears in her eyes

Katie: Of course, I will *tears start falling down* You are so kind to us. We will miss you so much!! Let's make this the best last two weeks, okay!!

I nod and smile and pat her head and we continue to eat and we all ride together to the school

The school day went just fine and we rode back together

That was our routine for the next week

On the last week before I moved out it was a bit different

I woke up to already see them making breakfast and doing some house chores

Katie: Good morning! We are making you breakfast this week. We gotta learn how to cook so we don't rely on takeout

She laughed and continued making the food

Jake: Same with house chores, we know the basics but we can't keep the house a mess all the time

He smiled and put the landary in the dryer

I looked at the boxes on the couch and floor and smiled

Y/n: That's good. At least I don't have a lot of stuff. We'll be taking three cars right. My two babies and then your car right?

Jake nods

Jake: That's the plan, don't want the two of us stranded at your house

He laughs

Y/n: Maybe when you guys finish here, you can move to Korea and work at a company

Katie: Maybe, we have to see

Jake: So how about we eat the food and go to school

I nod and Katie serves everyone a plate and we eat

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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Jin FF Idols (BTS Jin X Reader) College Life Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now