2 ideas

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Flashback your 4-5

You and gabo were playing in the woods together. You had a wild imagination. HAHA! IVE GOT YOU NOW! Your child self giggled using a stick as a sword.

Gabo was cautious but playful. Wow! Watch out with that stick! He said putting his hands up. You both giggle and played all day. Those were the good times.

When the days were brighter

End flashback

A few days later we worked in the castle. You looked up when your sister and her girlfriend walked in. Ok se me and dahlia have come up with a solution for the fighting. Asha said.

Then she pulled out a white shirt. It's called out get along shirt. You and gabo have to wear it when you fight. WHAT!? You and Gabo said in union.

I CANT WEAR THAT WITH HIM! He smells like donkey ass! You said. I can't wear that with her! She looks like a donkeys ass! He spat! Well it's the only solution so I kinda think you should wear it. Simon said.

Cmon bro I thought we were on the same side! You turned to him. Sorry, but...we're all tired of the fighting. Simon replied. You sighed and decided to not get into another argument. Fine-. You sighed.

Gabo rolled his eyes hard and kept working. You both couldn't fight no matter how much you guys got on each other's nerves.

A few hours in

After work you decided to go to the city to get some roses for your mom. You found the prettiest ones. As soon as you put your hands on is a pair of smaller hands touched em.

Umm sorry but I touch- oh for fucks sake Gabo go away! You said annoyed as you yanked the roses. Uhm no I saw em first and my mom deserves them more. He said snatching em.

You already were stressed enough. You shoved him and took the roses. I'm taking em that's final! You said slapping the shit outta him. You both started fighting again this time it was worse....

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