An argument with my step-brother

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I saunter towards the washroom to do my normal night routine as in brushing my teeth, washing myself and changing into a night dress. I untie my bun and let my hair spread on the back of my shoulders. Once I'm done, I hop on my bed and quickly snuggle with my white warm comforter.

The moment I get relaxed in my bed, I hear my room's door push open. I move up my head and see it's my step-brother Daniel. He's standing there with a deep angry frown on his face. His face is appearing red.

I groan as I remember we had an argument today about me messing with his stuff. And then I didn't take his calls all day. It explains why he's in this mood.

"Later, brother. I'm about to sleep. Go away." I say.

Moving down my head again, I turn on my side and rest my face on my pillow. I grasp that I'm sleeping in quite an indecent position for my brother to see. The spaghetti sleeves black dress I'm wearing is quite short and my current sleeping position would have slipped it up from my legs. It would be showing most of my mid-thighs and probably the glimpse of my purple panties hidden under.

I glance down at my neckline. It's also going low and displaying half of my naked breasts. I don't wear bra at night. I keep my boobs loose and allow them to breathe during nights.

I sense Daniel steps inside instead of leaving. I groan again. I knew he was not going to listen to me. He never listens to what I say. And his this habit angers me to the core.

Staying still in the same position, I ignore his presence. I also ignore my current outfit. I thought that it's not the first time he has seen me in a short dress. I wander around him in sexy or tight outfits and he doesn't mind me. Though it's the first time he has seen me lying in my bed like this as much as I remember.

Daniel all of a sudden bends over me, takes my wrist and twists it with his strong grip. I get astonished.

"Hey, it's hurting." A shriek escapes my mouth as I feel pain in my wrist.

I move up my upper body and face him. Which probably displays my cleavage right in front of his eyes. His eyes travel down. They stop on my chest.

"Leave my hand, Daniel." I cry again.

In response Daniel slaps my cheek and pushes me back on the bed. He quickly angles himself over me. I get confused at his weird behavior.

His hand crawls down inside my panties. This confuses me more. I try to shove him back, but it doesn't affect him. I feel his finger slides inside my hole. My breath hitches.

I slap him on his face, "What are you doing, Daniel? I'm your sister."

He doesn't say anything instead slips down my dress till my thighs. And in a spur of moment, I become completely naked under him. I glance at my boobs and then him. His eyes are staring at them without any trace of discomfort.

He leans towards them and puts his mouth on one of my nipples. I gasp and then moan. He sucks my nipple, tease and bite it. I turn hot. My body temperature rises. I'm unable to keep up with my sanity as his mouth gives me pleasures and butterflies in my tummy.

I grab Daniel's head from the back, bring his ear near my mouth and whisper in a husky voice, "Fuck me, brother."

I sense him he gets hard. He spread my legs on the bed. He positions himself between them and caresses my thighs with his hands. He then brings his penis close to my pussy. I become ready to accept his entrance. My pussy releases the fluid, express my aching desire for him.

He rubs his cock on my hole and around it and then I feel him coming. It stops my breath for a second. I moan as he pushes his full-length inside me. He waggles over me, his chest against mine, skin against skin.

I squeal and scream in pleasure.

"Fuck you, sister." Daniel says in between his heavy breaths.

"Fuck me, brother. I'm your whore. Just fuck me deeper." I demand in an unsteady and throaty voice.

To fulfill my desire, he goes in again and this time he releases his fluid inside me. Then he falls on my chest as he gets drained.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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