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Family,dinner and announcement.


Let me tell you a story.

I used to be a very straightforward person.
Letting out whatever comes to my mind was a way for me not to feel stifled- I mean not like I do everytime but you get the point.

I regretted my straightforward personality when I met this guy looking cute and obviously loaded, judging from his Rolex watch, shining black shoes and his suit that screamed luxury. In short, his whole body was screaming wealth.

I simply fell in love with his clean appearance, not him.

I do not believe you can fall in love at first sight.

So I walked up to him acting cute and all trying to ask for his number, but when I saw his teasing smile and eyes, I knew I had made a huge mistake.

I was too familiar with the look in his eyes- a Playboy.

I almost wanted to leave, but I had to endure stay so I wouldn't look rude. I mentally 'tried' finding an excuse to leave but my mind was blank at that moment.

I watched as he took two steps closer and landed a hand in my waist. I mean I'm interested in you doesn't mean I'll accept physical contact with you, so I did the best thing I could.

I punched him.

It was so satisfying...

But I regretted it when I saw his bruised nose looking odd in his flawless face. His eyes were wide in confusion before turning into anger, probably realizing what just happened.
Before he could say a word, I ran.

Now watching this same guy with my sister acting all lovey-dovey, I cringed internally.

Sitting opposite him just make things worse cos I have to watch him send his annoying smirk my way every now and then.

My thoughts came to a halt when my sister, Scarlett clinked her half filled glass cup with a fork. Everyone stopped eating and all attention were on her.

A smile bloomed on her pretty face, her blonde hair was tied in a ponytail and her red dress complimented her figure perfectly.

I watched as a smile found its way on my mom's face, probably knowing what she called our attention for.

I watched as Scarlett gripped Mr. Playboy's hand letting him stand with her and I saw her flash her left hand letting us see the beautiful ring placed on her pale finger.

"We are engaged!". And realisation dawned on me.

The sudden invitation to dine with Mr. Playboy while the whole family was here.

They never allow me to dine with my sister and her boyfriend- now fianceé, probably  because Mr. Playboy said some nasty things about me to her and the whole family is wary of me, thinking I would seduce him and all.

I forced a smile as I clapped and congratulated my sister who was giving me a warning look with a smile on her face.

I decided to ignore the look since I have decided not to ruin this 'perfect' moment.

I watched as my dad laughed happily for the first time this month, and my mom went to Mr. Playboy for a hug. Even my brother who rarely talk or smile had a small smile playing on his lips.

In short, it was a joyous atmosphere.

"Let's continue dinner, we'll talk about the details of the engagement party after dinner". My dad said.

So soon..

The rest of the meal was boring, until a certain someone decided to spice things up.

"I heard you have a boyfriend, Faye, let him stop by for dinner sometime". Mr. Playboy said to me immediately I finished the last bite.

"No, I don't have a boyfriend for now ". I replied visibly annoyed for being asked a question at this moment.

"Why? Or are you waiting for a certain someone?" He probed further.

Great! He just had to annoy me with that.

" Look Mr. Playboy, I don't th- "
I stopped when I saw everyone stare at me like I have two heads.

"What did you just call me?" He snapped at me, obviously furious.

I shifted uncomfortably on my seat thinking of how to save the situation. Well, he didn't give me a chance because he stormed out of the house, leaving me with the furious gazes from my family, mostly from Scarlett and dad.

I think he did this intentionally to get bad emotions from my family.

Focus Faye. Focus.

"I really regret having you stay for dinner". Scarlett says, talking slowly, now calm.

I didn't beg you sis!

"Faye, how about avoiding Chris for now or forget about ever living this house" Dad said, standing up while wiping his mouth with the napkin embroidered with flowers at the end.

"I don't think I did anything wrong, he asked me a very annoying question and I-"

"Shut up! " Grey snapped, cutting me off.

I could feel tears prickling my eyes.

"You always ruin things! Don't think I didn't know that you seduced Chris but failed. You should look for your own boyfriend not stare at mine all day." She says,her face a bit distorted. Her perfect smile was gone,even her face was now red with anger.

I was speechless the whole time. I wanted to tell them that I didn't seduce Chris, to tell them that Chris is a flirt and will remain one till he dies, but I know things will only get worse.

I watched as my brother gave me a hard stare before leaving for his room. And lastly, dad, who with heavy steps went to the wine cellar.

And me who chased after Scarlett who ran out of the house.

"Scarlett! I do not mean for all of this to happen"I shouted catching up with her but she turned sideways refusing to look at me.

"I'm sorry,but Chris is not a good guy for you. You should know I really care about you" I say solemnly.

"Look, drop it-" she stopped abruptly when she noticed my pale face. I promptly pushed her thereby exposing me to the incoming danger. I felt a huge object hit my head,my vision darkened and I lost my consciousness.

A/n: Thanks for trying out this book, I really appreciate it.
This is my first book and English is not my first language,so... mistakes are unavoidable.
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