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We were waiting.

We were all waiting at the board room. Every employee, starting from the creative director to the project manager.

The air was thick with anticipation. My co-workers and I exchanged nervous glances, each of our smiles masking underlying tension. We had been preparing for this moment for days. Organizing files and data, ensuring no glitch in our programs, rehearsing presentations on our new designs and giving our already made designs some final polishing.

And now,the moment of truth had finally arrived. The boss was coming. I could feel my heart racing,my palms growing sweaty as I clasped my hands together. The whole office was silent except for the occasional sound of foot shifting and clearing throats.

And then,the door opened. He walked in, his presence commanding attention.

He looked different...so different from the guy who used to look weird in skinny jeans.

His blue eyes piercing blue eyes scanned the whole room,his sharp jawline set in firm line. His tailored suit seemed to radiate an aura of power and authority.

The frown on his face did nothing to conceal his handsomeness.

But, I felt unsettled. There was this nagging feeling I couldn't shake off.

The room erupted into a chorus of greetings,but I could sense the undercurrent of tension.

We were all waiting. Waiting for his next action.

"Good morning team!" He said,his deep voice commanding attention.

We all replied him. I couldn't hear my voice amidst the loud chorus of people.

Even the interns wanted to impress him. I guess that is why people say you should never underestimate people's ambition.

And me, I just understood how hard power could change someone. Wealth doesn't really change people, power does.

I watched as he sat at the head table. Even his sitting comes with a style others cannot replicate.

"Let's get down to business".

* * *

My mind raced as I left the board room. I couldn't even hear the murmurs and panics of my colleagues.
My mind was dizzy from the amount of information I just heard. Terms like 'embezzlement', 'slush funds' and 'unapproved spending' were mentioned.

Two of our high ranking official were laid off today for embezzlement and for having slush funds.

But it was suspicious. I had questions in my mind. Why were they just laid off and not arrested?

I just wanted to do my job without any issues. Even though I was given some orientation before starting, I seem to not have leant anything.

I used to think as a jewelry designer,all I had to do was design jewelries but I was wrong, really wrong.

I propped my hand in the desk silently waiting for Noelle while also trying to dismiss my colleague's whispers.

"This year is really unfortunate."

"Six workers had been laid off this past two months."


" What are you thinking about?" Noelle said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I just heard that six people has been laid for this past two months." I replied,curious. My expression was that who was eager to hear what she would say.

She sighed.

"That's true. It's someone embezzling funds today, someone breaking contracts tomorrow." She paused. " They are all usually trusted people before they get laid off. Just like Anna,the girl here before you." She said shrugging.
Sometimes it bothers me how she doesn't care.

"Look Faye, I've been here for two years because someone told me two things." She stopped,taking a sip of her coffee.

" One, do not interfere into things that doesn't concern you. Two,lie low. Do not be at haste to prove yourself." She stated, frankly.

I was not comfortable with what she just said. How would I get a promotion if I didn't prove myself to be a talented designer.

I nodded and skipped the topic, while she kept talking about how hot the boss looked and if he was that hot when we were in college.

                      *       *       *

"Do you think it's normal for the company to just lay them off like that." I inquired. We were currently sitting on the love seat and nibbling on potato chips.

"I think they should be arrested if they embezzled money". Violet stated, munching on her chips.
I nodded at her words.

"If it were to be where I work,They would probably get them arrested or have them pay back the money. Not to speak of the slush funds. It's suspicious Faye. Suspicious!" She exclaimed.

I nodded taking in her advice.

" What do you think happened then?" I asked.

"One,they are trying to go easy on them."


" Probably because of relationship that exists between them." She paused.

" But if it's true then your boss isn't suitable to be a leader." She deduced while I just nodded, battling with my chips.

" Two,they are hiding something."

"What are they hiding". I was still so naive to this business thing. I used to work for the blackwoods in one of their hotels as a manager. The hotel was worn out and old,so we barely get any lodgers. I didn't have to deal with situations like this.

"Well, your boss, Noah and the company's major shareholders. And the slush funds. Why didn't I think of this before!" She facepalms herself.

" Think of what?"

" Slush funds don't just happens, it's directed by someone. I think those who were laid off were probably used as scapegoats." She deduced, shocking me.

" You don't think Noah is such a person?"

" I think he can't do that,but it's the business world. Profit comes before anything". She stated.
" Or maybe those people promised to give the slush funds to them privately"
" All in all,you've got to be careful. I feel like there's some shady stuff going on there". She said.

" Alright, I'll be careful. I wanna go independent though." I said, waiting for her reaction.

She hummed.

"It's good,but you gotta make a name for yourself first."

I nodded.

Today was a stressful day. I said good night to Violet and it didn't take long before I drifted into a deep sleep.

A/n: please vote and comment 🥺

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