1. ~Royals~

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I'm still working on other books too!! Just wanted something to do on my phone hours at the hospital!!

Michaels pov:
"My, I must say, your highness, I do very much love my job here, but I cannot stand Prince Michael." My bodyguard, Mr Levington explains to my parents, the king and queen.
"So you're quitting?" My father asks, a bit annoyed.
"Unfortunately." Mr. Levington says with a sigh, looking down to his feet, both hands together in front of him. I can hear my father sigh.
"Go. You're dismissed. We thank you for your time." He explains to him. Once Mr. Levington left the palace, my parents walked over to me. All the guards knew how they treated me. Even my past bodyguards. No one speaks up about the issue though because who really cares? As long as the people get what they want, they couldn't give two flying shits about what goes on inside the walls of this castle. I felt a warm hand slap my face, along with a sting after. I looked down. My father grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, forcing me to look at him.
"That was the fifth bodyguard this year. Michael it's only May!" I heard his voice grow louder as the second sentence went on.
"I know..." I say, my voice quiet.
"Why the fuck can't you be normal! Why do you do this to us! You're on the line of being king once we go, and you can't even respect anyone in this palace?!" He yells at me.
"Because I don't like it here..." I say, the same sentence I always repeat to them both.
"You have exactly what other people would kill for." My father says. God, I fucking hate that sentence. I hear it everyday. I don't care. I'd kill to trade spots with them. Then let's see how they feel about being royalty. My dad lets go of my shirt.
"Go away." His voice was low and cold. I quickly back up and go to my room. My room was huge. I had a big walk in closet, a very big bed, a balcony, very nice windows, and so much more. I had many clothes except, none of them were clothes I like. They're all fancy clothes you'd expect at a royal family's palace. I heard my little sister and brother running around in the area outside my room. They were yelling and having fun like kids should, but with the way my parents are... I stepped outside my room and got their attention.
"Lizzy, Evan, stop. Mom and dad will get mad. I don't want you two to get in trouble." They both walk away, obviously their moods ruined but it's better than having to hear them cry.
Elizabeth was 11 years old, Evan was 9. I was 16. A whole lot older than them, but i kind of like being older. I get more privacy since they don't bind with me as easy since I don't do the child like things they do. Elizabeth and Evan got treated better than me since they were younger and they only get crowned kind or queen if something were to happen to me during my time as king. Hopefully something will happen. I hope someone will shoot up the palace. Wait- not because then we'd go on high security. Fuck. I can't even get out of this life. I actually hate it.
"Michael!" My mother's very distinct voice rings in my ear.
"What?" I look at her.
"Didn't you hear me say your name ten times? You need to get downstairs right now." She points to the staircase. "And don't fuck this one up. If I find out this bodyguard quits on us because of you." She makes a sarcastic evil laugh. "You won't hear the end of it. Ever."

Words: 646

My bodyguard // Noah x Michael // Royal AUWhere stories live. Discover now