Chapter 7

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Are you tired of seeing endless feeds? Do you ever feel how your life is the same everyday except the content you consume which is different? Ever question your higher purpose in life? Ever felt you were meant to do more than what you are currently doing? Your DNA is trying to tell you, through millions of years of evolutions, you, were meant to create something. Something big. And for that you needed the blank canvass to paint the picture trying to manifest from within you. There is a voice inside you that needs to express itself. In rare occasions when it gets a platform, it makes its presence known. It is lying within you, dormant and latent. And the really wonderful thing is, our brain has the ability to combine any two random elements to create a third. This connection that was invisible before, appears to you when you look closely, when the elements are put in front of you. Go into the kitchen and peer into your refrigerator. You can come up with the weirdest combination of food to eat. If you are handed an online tool and taught some basic skills on how to operate it, chances are you will soon create something that may surprise you. I learnt this fact when I was 9 years old. I just didn’t realize it then. For more than 10 years, my father who wanted me to have a great command over my language skill, gave me 25 new words each day to form sentences. They were random words ranging from nouns or adjectives or verbs with their meaning. These words were never related to each other, yet after a couple of years of getting habituated to forming sentences, I could form sentences on one single topic with any word that was given to me. No matter how irrelevant the word could be to the theme, making a sentence was a piece of cake for me. Years later, I read about how the amazing scientist, artist and inventor of the renaissance, Leonardo Da Vinci worked on multiple types of projects together which he cross connected and formed some thing entirely unimagined. Now I am nowhere comparing myself to Da Vinci but emphasizing the fact that our brain has the ability to connect the two most random elements out of nowhere and the final product can always make sense. Study the biographies of some of the people who came up with the craziest inventions and one common denominator is how they connected to completely different elements to form something new and amazing. However what stops us is the unavailability of the blank canvas where we can put our creativity to use. Around the clock, our brain is tasked with the processing of content relevant or irrelevant to us through the feeds that our eyes fall upon. Look at the meme creators on Instagram who come up with memes, some are funny, some are cringeworthy , some mediocre while some are pure genius that we immediately forward in our groups. But have you given a thought for a second to the people behind it? They do not even get paid for it. Many of them do it just because they are unemployed. This creativity truly needs and outlet and it comes out whenever given the chance. These meme creators just found a platform to showcase their creativity. And why do they keep on churning more content day in and day out? Because of the instant feedback they receive. Sometimes the feedback we receive, gives us the boost to do more, create more. Yes there are some people who create for the sake of creating. Creation should be intrinsic but for many it is not. Easy feedback is still a tool that encourages artists. But we cannot help but showcase our creativity wherever we can. Look at the artwork done on the glass of a dusty car where a thick layer of dirt and dust has gathered. We simply can’t help it. You doodle at the back of your book, play with things while you sit on the toilet seat. So you need to throw yourself in front of tools that help you create. It could be a keyboard or a pen or a paintbrush or even a musical instrument. Everytime you look at your feeds, you suppress that creative side of yours from coming out. And in this way, you lose years of your precious life from discovering your true self, your true version and your hidden potentials. Children are the most creative and imaginative beings out there. They can have a great time playing games that are made up. They play role-play too. They can make that random connection to things and have a jolly time where we see none.  And each time we hand them devices to play games and watch youtube videos, we steal their chance of being creative. I could go around ranting about how we try to create these social constrains where we want them to fit in but handing them a device is the easiest one. Try to go back to your childhood and discover what you were good at. Discover where you were extremely creative and give it a go. It could be the key to happiness and contentment that you had been seeking all along. Go to the beach and build a sandcastle, buy some paints and make an ugly painting. When you lose yourself in the flow state of creating is hwhen you realize how much you lose out when you are just trying to kill time, watching reels.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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