The return of the System Lords

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The various villains on the ship proceeded to make their quarters as homely as possible. Sharon Carter proceeded to walk around the ship still trying to get used to being in a spaceship. She soon bumped into Deathstroke who also was walking around the ship.

"Guess I'm not the only one wandering around the ship" Sharon as she gave a small smile towards one of the recent additions to the empire.

"Honestly, just kind of getting used to everything, you know yeah my world was weird with grown men dressed as bats, gods and aliens, but I must say I would have never thought to be working for a shadow being alongside witches, sorcerers, little green plankton, two talking snakes, a living planet and a dark elf, but hey guess life throws weirdness at you"

"I hear yeah, but just think we're the few people to say we watched the world burn and are still continuing on with business" Sharon and Deathstroke continue their walk together.

Harkon stood at the bridge when the first portal opened as Wanda, Agatha, Dodge, Kiallecus, Barr and Crumble soon entered from it.

"Ah ahh Boogeyman!!!" The Witch screamed in terror as she hid behind Agatha who proceeded to give an annoyed look.

"So it seems your mission went well" Harkon observed the two new recruits despite Crumble trying to hide from him.

"Well I mean I guess you can say that, but this one is definitely going to be a handful" Agatha pointed to the woman who tried to hide behind her.

"Apparently according to the Scarlet Witch, the world you sent us to was destroyed by a bio-weapon that turned all adults into what the kids call Ghoulies" Kiallecus explained.

"And these two are apparently different from the other ghoulies who just repeat the same sentence," Dodge explained.

"It's definitely an interesting world, but I believe these two will serve our cause quite well" Wanda explained as she raised her hand for Barr and Crumble to come forward.

Agatha pushed Crumble from behind to the front as Barr also went up.

"It's an honor to meet your presence, I believe I can be quite useful for your empire that your building" as a smile soon appeared on his face.

"I sense great darkness in you, you will be an excellent addition and you.." Crumble gave an uneasy look as Harkon stared at her his cold white eyes and the fact that his shadowy nature was just unworldly.

Crumble quickly fell down to her knees "Please don't hurt me, Boogeyman"

"Oh my friend, I'm not the Boogeyman and you have nothing to worry about you, I sense rage and confusion in you, you are here for a purpose as all the others are, you are among those who were abounding and lost but now will have a future in this new legacy we will make"

"A purpose?" Crumble gave Harkon a look of curiosity. Crumble soon turns around to the four who found her "Are we friends?"

"Perhaps, but you must pledge your loyalty to this empire and with that you won't be alone anymore" Harkon explained to the woman who was broken and looking for a reason in life. Crumble soon started to understand what he was saying well at least as her poor mental state could understand.

"I'll join you mister Shadow" Crumble said as she got up from the floor. Through for some reason she still didn't want to be next to the man she stood next to, she still couldn't put her finger on it but something about him was just off, but at the same time she wanted to be with her new friends, the shadow master Harkon and the four that found her.

Soon the other portal appeared as it revealed Slappy, Lady Luck, The Killer Klowns and finally plankton coming out of the portal.

Crumble smiled as she saw the clowns form the portal "I love clowns, make me a Balloon dog!" As she ran up to the Klown Jumbo. Jumbo could only react with slight confusion and gave a sinister look seeing how oddly the woman acted.

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