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Wooyoung was collecting money from bettors on his fighter whom he introduced to people as Mount.
People would frequently attend the fights and were usual gamblers who knew Mount very well. They would bet on him a lot of the time depending on his opponent, yet regardless of who his opponent was many bettors believed Mount has the most potential due to his short temper.

The audience was getting louder as Mount was about to knockout his opponent with a high kick.
Both of them were so tired, but Mount has gathered all his strength to please and wash off wooyoung's worries,
wooyoung who has already started getting all relaxed and confident again collecting money from the bettors on the opponent whom also have finally gave up on him winning against Mount.
Even the other guy in the ring had seen his fate only by looking into Mount's eyes, they hid anger but were sparkly and somehow were so tender in a way he couldn't understand, how could someone have such looking eyes? How could he hold so many feelings, not only so many but counter feelings too, it confused him, yet still he wasn't the first nor the last to see those deep vague eyes.
It wasn't so long before he got hit on the face by Mount's foot, Mount was scream-running towards the guy before jump-twisting in the air landing his foot exactly where it needed to go to end this fight with him winning.

The fight was coming to an end as Mount's opponent was laid off on the ground with no signs of getting up, that's when wooyoung jumped into the ring and started counting down with his hand and a note rolled in a shape of a cigarette placed on the side in between his lips, 3, 2, ...1! The referee held Mount's hand up announcing the winner of this game.

The audience got even louder celebrating their win, while Mount ran to wooyoung and held his head in between his hands while screaming happy and proud of himself for not letting his wooyou down for once more, wooyoung in return cupped Mount's face affirming him with a supportive look locked into Mount's eyes and a "you did so well, sanni!" followed.

Wooyoung and san walked out once the fight was over towards their van that was parked behind the building for convenience. Wooyoung was counting the money he had collected earlier whilst walking, the latter only locked eyes on him having to look down considering the height difference. San looked so different off ring, he was softer, more innocent and now his eyes were shining than ever just tracing the shorter's eyes and lips counting today's fortune.
He only averted his gaze when wooyoung made eye contact with him, "we didn't make much money today again, I think we need to change the ring tomorrow, people here don't seem to believe in you, we should seek the appreciation you deserve somewhere else". San only hummed along with nodding not dropping any bit of his wide smile caused by his mentor. A hand suddenly landed on the top of the mount, it was nothing but his mentor's hand patting his head good job, on his tip toes to reach the taller who now had a foolish look on his face, he is so flattered by the slightest compliment he gets from his only friend.

The mentor put a hand in his pocket to take out the van's keys so they could get in and rest for tomorrow's fight in the same ring as the last one before moving to another one according to him.
He finally found them and pressed the unlock button, san had his hand ready on the trunk door to open it, he then waited for wooyoung to get in before he jumped in himself closing the door behind him.

The van was a typical one, a small mattress on one side with some boxes of clothes and other essential equipment they would need to survive, although san could have a bright future as a fighter, he chose to trust the only person for him out there and live in this small van, only fighting and doing whoever and whatever his mentor asks him to.
He wasn't even the one sleeping on the mattress after an exhausting fight, he would take one of the front seats as his sleeping bag and spend his nights just like that, in the very uncomfortable spot, his positions were certainly even more uncomfy, but he could take it all to be with wooyoung.

San had a change of clothes in his hands "I will go to shower first if you are still not ready youngah", the shorter only nodded and waved his hand without even looking at the latter. San smiled warmly then headed off to the building's shower that wooyoung had agreed with the owner to use for the period of their stay, just like he always does with all other rings he visits.

The mentor was now left alone in the van, he glanced outside to make sure no one is around then took another key out his pocket to open one of the boxes placed on the floor of the van, he then digged between the clothes to pull out a hidden box that was a very small one compared to the bigger one contained it.
Once again he unlocked it to add the money they had made off today's fight, "with additional $2560 dollars from today, my fortune is now closer to my first million dollars, oh how I love money! You are my babies!" Said Wooyoung before locking the box again and returning it to the bigger one, "oh poor san what a fool you are! but thanks to that and you I'm the rich I've always dreamed to be".

Wooyoung was this type of mentor who would use his trainee to make money, he didn't really care about san, whether he gets hurt or gives up, it all made no difference to him, all he cared about was making money till the end.
He had this plan of making his first million dollars then running away one day leaving san behind after he is done using him.
Innocent san had no idea what the person he loved and trusted the most had in hand for him, he would blindly follow and do whatever his friend wants him to, he was his only hope, but unfortunately little did he know the person he left everything and everyone for is the first to betray him.

It wasn't long before san had came back, now dressed in an oversized grey hoodie and some plain black shorts. His hair was down but still a bit wet since they didn't have a hair dryer, all thank to the younger who refuses to spend a single cent on anything but food, which he only according to him can afford twice a day, regardless, san had a softer look on him, he looked cuddleable.

He knocked at the back door for wooyoung to let him in, as soon as he entered he digged in one of the boxes before handing the latter a towel, a black hoodie and grey shorts, the shorter snatched them from san's hand and went off to shower himself.
The older stayed in the van embracing his knees sitting on the only mattress while waiting for his wooyou.
He was excited like a child is anticipating a toy his dad had promised him, all to see wooyoung dressed in the outfit he had chosen for him that would make them end up matching.

The latter was so quick to come back too, he felt something was off when san welcomed him with an excited smile but couldn't tell what exactly, until san traced his figure from head to toe, that made him aware of what he was wearing, he averted his gaze down at himself followed by a sigh, "oh really san, matching outfits? What am I, your girlfriend?" He said taking off the hoodie he had just put on.
It only washed away the bright smile san wore a second ago, alternated with a frowning face, he really was waiting patiently to see wooyoung's happiness about their matching outfits but it went wrong, for some reason he expected to get a positive reaction from wooyoung, he didn't realise what could get him a positive woo was only him doing well in fights, other than that his mentor is mostly grumpy, venting his anger on the fighter who could risk it all for him.

All san did was move to his bed after goodnighting woo, he sat in the passenger's seat that was blocked by a curtian preventing the one at the back from seeing him, making himself comfortable in his seat, at least he wanted his physical body to be in a good condition since his feelings were hurt so bad just now.
Crossing his hands and zoning out watching the stars from the window next to him. Sniffs can be heard if you are paying attention to your surroundings, but that was not wooyoung, he was all about his money and plans, couldn't care less, so selfish, he always was, the latter just never saw it, as if his pink glasses only apply to his beloved one and no one else.

San's pov:

Wooyoungie was tired today, all he wanted was to get back to the van and relax, it is all my fault.. only if I could be better at fighting, only if I could make people believe in me enough to bet on me, I should train better and become stronger so he can stop worrying about money, you deserve better youngah.. I'm sorry.

Said san while peeking to steal some glances of the younger sleeping on the mattress at the back.

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