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Lucas and his friends seemed too far gone with the alcohol, so I got up to start cleaning the living room. I steadily worked around them while they laid their heads back. He and Henry seemed to be on the verge of sleeping while Zayn stayed on his phone. Aiden hadn't drunk much after my massive depressing screw-up but sat in his seat glancing every now and then at me. Henry definitely drank the most and easily convinced Lucas to join in since he didn't need to drive anywhere after the party, so they were both knocked out and snoring on the couch within ten minutes of the girls leaving.

Th empty cans of alcohol covered the coffee table, and the bowls of chips were half empty with crumbs surrounding them on the table and floor. Some bottles were kept on the floor to prevent being knocked down and chattering. As I looked around the room, the sofa pillows were thrown every which way making this simple gathering look more like a house party. As I stood, my eyes went blurry and my head spun a little. Not eating and sustaining myself on a coffee was maybe not the best idea, but it kept me awake and energized enough to clean up after everyone before Linda came home. I made my way to the kitchen and opened the cabinet under the sink to grab a large garbage bag and I went back to the living room where I started filling the bag with the trash left around. Starting with the cans on the table, I picked up each one and threw it in the bag making sure it was empty as to not leak in case the bag rips. I then swept up the crumbs of chips and had them land in the bag. Next was the napkins and empty bottles on the ground. While my head was still feeling light, I bent down to pick up a bottle and as I stood back up, my head spun violently and sent me tumbling back. As I reached out to catch a hold on something, I dropped the bottle and it chattered, leaving glass spread across the living room floor.

The loud noise woke up our two sleeping beauties leaving them in a state of shock. I had ended up on the floor with my head that hit the wall, thankfully leaving no injuries. With the noise of chattering glass, Zayn and Aiden immediately stood to help me up but the glass on the ground surrounded me. I told them to not move an inch and wait until I cleaned everything up. I don't want any injuries because of my clumsiness. As I slowly rise to feet, holding on to the wall, I hear Aiden asking if I'm alright. I shoot him a sharp stare letting him know that I don't want his sympathy. It's embarrassing enough to tumble and fall like this. The others stand and offer to help and I hear Lucas sigh, "you shouldn't be cleaning our mess, get up and go sleep."

"Can everyone stop worrying and sit back down?! I don't want anyone getting hurt." I shout in response. No one seems to understand or care that there are shards of glass everywhere. I rush to get the broom from the supply closet, being careful not to get glass in my feet. As I make my way back, the four boys are seated again. I make nothing of it and start cleaning. As I work my way closer to the table, picking up the smaller shards, I notice the stares of death. Lucas' face is numb from the alcohol, but his gaze doesn't drop. Henry looks concerned, staring with wide eyes. Zayn has a bored expression shooting daggers at me with his eyes. And Aiden sits with an unidentifiable stare.

As I reach the area where the bottle dropped, the shards are larger and are easier to pick up. I kneel where I had swept, making sure there's no glass where my knees would rest and start picking up the bigger pieces of glass carefully. I feel the gaze of these boys on my back as I'm trying to clean. The embarrassment builds up and tears threaten to escape my eyes. As I pick up the first few pieces in my hand, I notice a tear landing in my palm on the shard that once was the bottom of the bottle. I quickly throw the glass in the garbage bag before anyone notices the tear and quickly reach for another.

Trying to keep my composure and fighting the urge to keep a shard in my pocket, I cut the palm of my hand accidentally. I drop the piece and wince in pain. Blood starts to slowly escape the wound and I make a quick move to wipe the blood on my black pants before anyone notices the red stains on my skin. But as I throw the bloodied shard away, I see Aiden rise from his seat and rush to my side.

He had noticed my accident and kneeled beside me, "show me your hand" he growled, his mouth inches from my ear. My tears had betrayed me and flowed effortlessly but I paid them no attention. My body shook with the vibration of Aiden's voice to close to me. Why does he want my hand? I don't want him to touch me. His voice grew impatient and darker as he demanded I show him my hand before he grabbed it and pulled it to him revealing my cut.

As he pulled my hand to him, the sleeve of my sweater was moved out of the way revealing the purple scars that were my attempt. Preoccupied with the palm of my hand, I don't think he noticed the scar that was slashed across my wrist.

The other boys noticed Aiden's quick action and got curious. Lucas and Henry weren't all there and had a confused look while Zayn caught on and swiftly removed his black t-shirt and threw it Aiden's way. The now shirtless Zayn watched as his friend bandaged my hand with a torn piece of the shirt. Their quick thinking helped stop the bleeding and Aiden helped me to my feet. Zayn glanced at the two drunk boys and led them to the basement, to Lucas' room and left Aiden alone with me to help with the cleanup since he was the most sober.

"Why didn't you eat anything tonight?" Aiden asked, looking at me grimly.

I turn my gaze to the floor, unable to answer, trying to wipe my face dry. My attempt to ignore his question and return to the job at hand failed miserably as Aiden reached for my chin, turning my head to face him. His beautiful silver eyes grew dark. As though he was sad, he took a deep breath and repeated his question. He didn't let go of me until I answered.

"I wasn't hungry." I responded, trying to avert my gaze.

"Don't lie to me. your stomach was rumbling, and that coffee wasn't enough." He said with an impatient tone.

His grip on my wrist tightened with his growing impatience and he repeated his question a third time enunciating every syllable slowly.

I didn't want to talk about this with him. With anyone. I had gotten into the habit of binge eating to help soothe my emotions a few years ago and the habit hasn't died yet. Exercising is hard and I found that puking the food after eating it wasn't always an option. Due to the lack of food at my house with my mom, I had gotten used to eating less. When I realized that the girls here were all so thin, eating chips and drinking, I knew I could never live like that with how fast I put on weight. So I made myself a coffee.

My eyes got teary, and I didn't want to look at him anymore. I didn't want to think about food, or my weight, or my body. I pulled my wrist away from him and quickly finished cleaning up the glass on the floor. He simply gave up on questioning me and silently got to work beside me. When everything was cleaned, I thanked him timidly and made my way to the staircase to go up to my room. As I placed my foot on the first step, I hear my name being called out gently.

"I wanted to..." Aiden paused for a moment seeing the fatigue on my face, "...say good night."

I wished him a good night with a tired smile and made my way up the stairs to my room. I changed into my pajamas, a pair of light shorts and a tank top, and laid under the covers waiting to fall asleep while my stomach rumbled in pain. 

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