CHAPTER 11: Their is no us

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"Heart just knew your feelings , it doesn't knew the aftermath "

Doe Hanna

I stare down at the message in my phone which I recieve the next day of that night where, my boss finger Fucked me.

A tired sigh escaped from my mouth. The memory of last night flooded inside my head, making heart flutter as my body started heating . I feel warm ache between my thighs .

Fuck it ! Hanna don't behave like sex maniac .

It not like I regret doing that with him. That time it feel so right , So good like we are meant to be together. But somewhere I feel guilty of not controlling my feelings.

I should have stop him. I shouldn't let him control me but fuck I lost control and I knew one thing , this is not going to end in good term . I knew I will Just end up making things difficult for me .

Thankfully after that day , he has to go for business trip in colombia for four days. And I don't have to face him these four days . I got the time to sort my own thoughts .

But these four days went so soon , today he is coming back and I have no choice but to face him . Even if I try avoid meeting him , he will came for me . I looked at the text one more time

We have to talk after I came back from my trip


"Hanna " Hearing my name I finally looked away from my phone .

"Ohh....suho ,what happen ?"

"Thats what I want to ask , what happen ? Everything okay with you ?" He stare at me like he was trying to read my mind .

I looked away from him and started feddling with files. "Ofcourse I'm what could happen with me ?"

"Well lately you behaving all weird , like getting lost in your own world . what thought exactly make you so lost ?"

"Nothing just work stress " I lied , even I can see suho didnt take the lie . he look at me with suspicious look , before he sighed

"Forget that , why don't we just grab some coffee for little break "

"Sure " I smile softly thankful that he didn't ask anything else and drop the topic their.

We went outside for the fresh air as we sat on one of the bench inside the park . the whole area was filled with greenery , tress , flowers . it was lunch time so the crowd was kind off Their , even the group of kid were playing around.

It was really relaxing and somewhere I forget about my own worries , about jun . I took deep breath and close my eyes to relax and enjoy this moment.

"You Finally seems little bit relax " I open my eyes and look at suho who was sitting besides me . he look back at me with small smile.

The air between us turn little bit awkward And thick. I notice his generous smile towards me , how his eyes shines like they were saying things which was unspoken between us.

But its different, I don't feel anything . no excitement, no butterflies....nothing. The things I feel with jun is different. Whenever I was with him , I want to stop that moment their . just thinking about him make my heart run crazy.

Wait What ? What the hell I'm thinking ? This can't be happen . I Can't love him , their is no future of us.

"Hanna I want to te-" before he could complete his word , a familiar voice interrupted us. Same deep voice which ring thousands of bells inside me. The same voice I didnt realise that I crave to hear it again .

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