31 - Devin

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"Oh my god, this place is huge," Baylee, the lone female mechanic in Lando's garage speaks up as she looks out the window as the club comes into view. She's dressed in a black dress that compliments the multiple colourful tattoos that cover both of her arms and her matching black hair.

The SUV we're riding in seats six plus the driver. Lando's head mechanic Levi got the front seat without even having to ask for it. He's a bit older, maybe in his late thirties, but doesn't look it. He claims his wife would kill him if he didn't supervise us all tonight but I'm thinking he just wanted a night out with his second family after today's double podium for the team.

I'm seated behind Baylee at the window who got one of the super cool single seats in the back and alongside David who somehow smushed himself into the middle seat beside another mechanic, Jared. The other single back seat is filled with the team's head media person Carla who just got promoted to the role last week where she was previously working only with Oscar.

I look out the window and take in the club, it definitely is a big place. From the street, there are a bunch of lights playing off the side of the building, lighting up the lineup of people waiting to go inside. Thankfully, as we all disembark from our car and walk to the back of the line, it's not long. I don't mind waiting in line to get in, but I am tempted to text Charles to come and let us in. But I feel bad, I'm fine with using the perks of knowing people every once and a while, but with this big of a group? I feel like asking Charles to come and make it so we skip the line is just abusing the privilege. Plus, the line to get in is moving fast.

We all make small talk until we reach the bouncer and he checks our IDs before letting us in. Levi just about gets waived through without being ID'd and he fanes offence before the bouncer begrudgingly asks for his identification.

David snickers from beside me. "He always does that, old guy trying to fit in with the cool kids."

It might have been a funny comment but something in David's tone forces my laugh to be a little more on the fake side than it has been so far tonight. Baylee whacks David on the shoulder pretty hard and shoots him a sideways glare. David just shrugs and walks through the club door. I wait up to walk beside Baylee. I get the vibe from her that she's not one to put up with anyone's shit and it's refreshing.

"Sorry about him, David's nice, but he can make some weird comments. Smack him like I did and he corrects himself."

I push open the second door and the smell of liquor, sweat and the usual hot sticky temperature of a busy club hits me in the face. "Oh my god, it sounds like you are disciplining a puppy."

Baylee smiles, her lip ring shifting on her skin and raises her voice over the music as we enter the main space. "No, more like a fat cat, those fluffy lunatics do whatever they want whenever they want and are only driven by their own needs."

"I heard that!" David yells back from where he's standing on the edge of the crowded floor.

"You see, I've trained him to be a sort of, part the seas person when we're clubbing." Baylee leans into my shoulder and points at David. "He's a bit of a brute, so it works well for us girls."

Baylee leans back and grabs Carla's hand. If the two girls were animals like Baylee so keenly categorized David, Carla was a golden retriever and Baylee was a black cat. I suppose opposites attract though since the two have been dating for a little over six months. Carla makes a surprised noise as Baylee all but drags her up beside us and the two interlock their fingers as Baylee points at David. He salutes her and starts walking through the crowd, quite literally, parting the sea of people until we make it to the bar.

Baylee motions to me then David who's attempting to wave over one of the three busy bartenders. "See! Well-trained cat."

"What did you just call me?" David mocks offence and Baylee shrugs. Carla and I just laugh.

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