32 - Devin

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David, Baylee, Carla and eventually Jared and Levi all end up having entirely too much to drink. It's well past midnight and creeping ever closer to the 2 AM closing time for the club. My trusty heels are starting to fail me in terms of stability and David has been using our mutual terrible balance as all the reason to keep touching me and grabbing onto me. Even when I am stable on my own two feet. If I was into it it might be hot, maybe it's just flirting, it's not more than that yet. As the lights come on we're all momentarily blinded and I groan and cover my eyes and someone comes over the speakers saying some variation of get out. We all grab our things and stumble out toward the exit doors of the club which all the bouncers and security hold open for the crowds of exiting partygoers.

"Damn, closing out the place, I don't think I've don't this in a few years." Levi offers as we all make our way out of the club.

"Old timer still got it," this time Levi laughs at the age joke Baylee throws out.

Someone starts calling a cab and I stumble a bit into the side of David. We both being drunk off our assess stumble a bit before he catches us, keeping me upright by locking his hands onto my hips. A little lower than what might be considered friendly.

I look up at him, or, I guess straight at him. With my heels, we're pretty much the same height. With Lando, I still have to look up when I wear these heels to meet his eyes. David's eyes are dark brown and flat, unlike Lando's which show his emotion so clearly. But maybe that's the alcohol too, maybe I just haven't noticed Lando's eyes being boring when he's drunk.

I don't think anything about Lando has ever been boring.

I need to stop comparing David to him if I'm planning on following through with this get-over Lando hookup plan.

David smiles and pulls me in a little closer. "I had fun tonight," he glances down at my lips and I know what he wants. "Thanks for coming out."

"Thanks for inviting me."

David smiles again and for the sake of the getting over Lando plan, I lean in and make the first tiny move. He doesn't miss the small movement and moves forward to bring his lips over mine. It's a sloppy kiss and I feel nothing other than the need to try and match his rhythm. But David is confusing as hell and I feel the need to actually think to keep up with what he's doing. Do people always have to think this hard kissing?

One of David's hands moves down over the curve of my ass and lightly squeezes as he pulls my hips forward to meet his. I'm all too aware we're on the sidewalk outside of the club and everyone is currently exiting out onto the street. I never saw Lando leave, what if he sees us?

Better question, why do I care?

David groans and pulls away. He looks over my shoulder and I turn around to follow his gaze. Baylee and Carla are across the parking lot waving like madmen because they managed to wave a cab that looks like it will seat all of us.

"Come on, before my friends convince a man or someone at the club they want someone to join them inside that car."

Again, David's comments seem odd. Or maybe not odd, but uncalled for. I shrug it off, instead I use his turned back to subtly wipe my mouth.

It's the alcohol that's making this weird. Right?

We make it to the cab and Carla and Baylee both give me a look of mischief and I fake a smile that says I'm excited for tonight. Carla giggles and Baylee smirks. The two of them force me into the back seat with David and once again the two of us our swished into a car.

The cab driver doesn't say anything or play any music so the ride back to the hotel is spent mostly silent. It seems like nobody minds since the ride is only a few minutes long unlike earlier tonight when there was loads of traffic. The streets are bare, save for the few people leaving the clubs like us walking the streets.

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