Chp. 6

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~ Giyuu's pov ~

"Y/n, you missed a meeting, Kagaya-sama wanted to talk to us both" I told Y/n

"Oh. So, let's go then..." She said

"Come on" I said, gripping her hand to give her additional support. She didn't complain this time...

"Good morning my children, Y/n are you feeling good now?" Kagaya-sama asked me

"Yes master..." Y/n replied

"Good, I wanted to congratulate you on unlocking the Hinokami Kagura. You had come really close to defeating Douma, by holding him until the sun rose. You won't be having missions any time soon as you are still wounded from the attack. Also, your estate has been built, Tomioka has the keys to it." Kagaya-sama said

"Thank you, master." Y/n said, bowing

At Y/n's estate

"How are you tho? Your arm legitimately froze" Y/n asked me

"I'm actually fine..." I muttered
"Can I ask you something?" I asked

"Sure!" She said, smiling

"Will you come with me to that new restaurant that opened up?" I asked

"O-oh, sure!" She said, was she blushing?

"I'll pick you up at 8?" I asked

"Ok" She said

~Y/n's pov ~

"SHINOBU!!!!! GUESS WHERE IM GOING AND WITH WHOM!!!!" I exclaimed happily


"YES~~~~!!!" I confirmed

"OH MY LORD~~~!! LETS GO TO MITSURI'S!!!!" Shinobu said, clearly eager, to share with Mitsuri.

~Lunch Time~

"Oh. My. God! Y/NNNN!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR YOUU~~~~" Mitsuri exclaimed, when she heard about my dinner with Giyuu.

"Oh, konichiwa, Giyuu-san!" I said when I saw Giyuu leaning on the doorframe, he was smirking slightly

"You heard what Mitsuri said about our dinner, right?" I said, handing him bowls to put on the table

"Yup. And why are you giving me bowls?" He asked

"If you continue coming this early, you have to help set the table, get used to it" I said, smirking slightly, just like Giyuu a few seconds before being told that he had chores.

"I'm gonna check-" He started

"Nope. No excuses, go and set the table" I said, laughing

"Fine." He said

All the Hashira come

"Giyuu-san, can you come here for a minute?" I called out from the kitchen

"Yeah, coming!" Giyuu replied

"Look, we can't tell all the Hashira about our dinner, they will legit start screaming that it's a date" I told Giyuu

"It is a date, Y/n... But you're right. They will
Go crazy" He replied

"It's a... date?" I asked, damn I was blind af for a second

"Yeah, bro you didn't understand?" Giyuu laughed

"Shut up and come on" I said

"Fine" Giyuu said, his hands up

"Mitsuri~~~, can I have more ramen~~" I asked after finishing my first bowl

"Of course~~, it's in the kitchen" Mitsuri said

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