A Web of Lies and Deceit

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"And do you think Jungkook's parents died because of a simple car accident?"

This time kris repeated, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

naina's breath hitched in her throat. Her eyes widened in shock, pupils dilating as a cold dread washed over her.

naina's voice trembled as she pieced together the horrifying implication. "That means you all..." she stammered, her eyes wide with accusation, "you all killed them?"

Kris's amusement was palpable. He threw his head back and let out a chilling chuckle. "Surprise!"

naina's stomach lurched. Disbelief curdled into a cold fury. "You killed them for Mr. Jeon's property?" she spat out, her voice tight with accusation.

But even in her outrage, a sliver of logic remained. "But that doesn't make sense!" she argued, her voice gaining strength. "If it was Jungkook's father's property, it would all go to Jungkook anyway? Why did you kill his parents but not Jungkook ?"

"naina, you're a smart woman. You see, Jungkook's father... well, Jungkook's father was always a bit suspicious of me. Didn't trust me since we were kids, you see. That's why he made a very specific clause in his will."

He paused dramatically, She stared at him, her face a mask of disgust. "The will stated that if anything happened to Jungkook before he turns legal or sign the property papers" he continued

"then the entire inheritance, all the properties and wealth, would be donated to orphanages and social homes, thats why we spared him"

"So you spared Jungkook?" she said, her voice laced with bitter sarcasm "You all fuck!ng killed his parents!"

"Exactly," he chimed in, his voice dripping with sarcasm "Now that Jungkook's of legal age, we were just planning a little... accident. Something natural, of course. Wouldn't want to get caught by the cops, would we?"

A wave of nausea washed over naina. Her heart pounded against her ribs, a frantic drumbeat in her ears.

"And then," Mr. Jeon continued, his voice barely a whisper, "Kris, my heir, would take his rightful place at the helm of the Jeon empire."

naina stared at the Jeon couple and Kris in disbelief, They were monsters, all of them, willing to manipulate, exploit, and even kill their own nephew for a legacy

A cruel smirk twisted Kris's lips. "Ah yes, Taehyung," he drawled, his voice dripping with amusement "he came into our lives like a blessing, The perfect pawn and unknowingly putting dear Jungkook on his deathbed before us"

naina couldn't take it anymore. The smugness on Kris's face was all too much to bear.

"Now if something happens to Jungkook," Kris continued "that Kim Taehyung will be blamed and we will be free. The perfect scapegoat, wouldn't you agree, naina?" His gaze locked with hers

Mrs. Jeon took a step forward, her voice softening into a false sincerity. "naina, darling," she cooed, "we can work together on this and you will help us to put Taehyung is the prison"

naina, tears streaming down her face, felt a surge of anger in her veins "Never!" she screamed, her voice hoarse but unwavering. "I'll never help you in this!,"

"Now listen to me, naina," he hissed, his voice dropping to a menacing growl. "you don't want the same thing to happen to your parents like jungkook's" he threatened

naina's breath hitched in her throat, this new threat was a whole other level of monstrous. She straightened her spine, refusing to be intimidated by his bullying tactics.

"You monster," she spat, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and fury. "You think I'll just sit here and let you threaten my life and my family?"

"I won't be your puppet, Kris," she continued "And I won't help you in this! They may not know the truth yet, but I do. And I will expose you for the monsters you are." She yelled glaring at the familiar

Kris's grin widened, devoid of any warmth or humor. "Oh, but naina," he purred, his voice dripping with sickening sweetness, "that's exactly what we are going to do. Unless, of course you help us"

A strangled cry tore from naina's throat. "Don't you dare touch them!" she screamed as naina's voice echoed through the room, laced with raw desperation, Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision

"My parents have nothing to do with this"

"Now, listen to me very carefully," Kris continued, his voice sharp with a cruel edge. "If you want your parents safe, you'll do exactly as I say. One wrong move, one whisper of what you learned tonight, and..." He trailed off, letting the threat hang heavy in the air.

A flicker of movement caught naina's eye. A cruel smile twisted Kris's lips as he reached into his pocket, his hand emerging with a small, metallic object. A lighter.

Kris turned on his laptop , naina's heart hammered against her ribs as she looked at the screen Kris held aloft, a familiar image flickering to life – a live CCTV feed showcasing her living room. There, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows, sat her parents, engrossed in a program on the television.

"How about a gas leak?" Kris taunted, his voice dripping with cruel amusement, He smirked looking at the screen, zooming in on the gas stove in the background, He tilted his head, his eyes gleaming with a cruel amusement

naina felt the blood drain from her face, Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision. They had planned every step, manipulated every situation, naina clenched her fists, her mind racing in fear

A desperate plea formed in her throat, her voice barely a whisper.

naina's voice cracked as she surrendered, "Alright," she choked out, her voice thick with despair. "I'll do whatever you want. J-Just... please... leave my parents out of this."

Kris leaned back, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Excellent decision, naina," he purred, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "We knew you'd agree eventually."

"Now let's Start talking about the plan, shall we?"

What is kris's plan ???

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