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Before he could even register the full weight of the accusation, two buff female officers walked beside him. Their rough hands grabbed his wrists, the cold metal of handcuffs biting into his skin. A choked cry escaped his lips as they yanked him away from Jungkook's bedside

His breath hitched, a strangled gasp escaping his lips

"Wait! I didn't do anything!" Taehyung screamed, He twisted against their grip, his eyes pleading with the officer, with anyone, to listen

Jungkook! Please, someone help JUNGKOOK!" he screamed crying loudly, struggling to get himself free himself from the female cops hands

Tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision as they dragged him out of the room. He stole one last glance at Jungkook, his chest a hollow ache. Jungkook lay motionless

"JUNGKOOK!" he cried out, his voice raw with despair.  "Wake up! I love you!"  But his words were drowned out by the closing door, leaving him alone with his fear

The officers didn't even bother to hear his pleas, they began dragging him towards the door, his protests falling on deaf ears.  He felt like a caged animal, trapped in a nightmare he couldn't wake up from, He stumbled, his legs weak with shock and terror.  He couldn't leave Jungkook, not like this

A single image burned into his mind, Jungkook's pale face, his chest rising and falling with the relentless rhythm of the respirator.  The thought of Jungkook alone with people who are conspiring to kill Jungkook scared Taehyung to death.

"There's been a misunderstanding!" he screamed, his voice hoarse. "Please, you have to listen to me!"  He spun around, his gaze locking with the senior officer's.  "It was the medicine! The doctor prescribed it!" 

But the officer's face remained impassive. "We'll investigate your claims, Mr. Kim. But for now, you're coming with us to the police station"

"It wasn't me!" he roared, his voice raw with emotion. "You have to believe me!  I love him!  I would never hurt him!"

he cried out, He spun around, his gaze searching for someone, anyone, who would listen.  His eyes landed on the nurses, their faces etched with a mixture of fear and pity, but they offered no help.

As they reached the doorway, Taehyung caught a glimpse of Naina in the corner of the room. Her face was pale, her eyes were swollen and red rimmed, Their eyes met for a fleeting moment, a silent exchange that spoke volumes.  In that look, naina cried seeing the look of betrayal in taehyung's eyes.

His world had shrunk to a single image – Jungkook, his love, fighting for his life, and him, a helpless prisoner, accused of a crime he didn't commit.  A single tear escaped his eye, tracing a glistening path down his cheek.  This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

Cameras flashed, reporters shouted questions, but Taehyung saw none of it, heard none of it.

As they reached the parking lot, more reporters rushed towards taehyung and the bodyguards pushed the reporters not letting them invade taehyung's personal space

"Kim Taehyung! Did you poison your boyfriend?"

A reporter said shoving the mic towards taehyung's mouth, taehyung swallowed a lump in his throat, shaking his head desperately while crying hysterically

"What is your relationship with the victim? Is it true that you are just a fling of Mr jeon"

"Why did you try to kill Mr jeon ? according to the sources we heard that Mr jeon treated you like a queen"

Taehyung wanted to scream, to defend himself, to tell them he loved Jungkook more than anything, but the words wouldn't come. His throat felt choked

Taehyung felt dizzy, his vision swimming with tears, Before he could even attempt an answer,

"That's enough," one of the officers growled and he shoved tae roughly into the back of a waiting police car.

Taehyung found himself sprawled on the worn leather seat, The car door slammed shut with a loud thud Taehyung sank deeper into the seat feeling scared to death

The blur of flashing lights and city streets as the police car sped towards the station. Taehyung stared numbly out the window, his mind racing in fear

He stole a glance at his hands, now bound by cold, unforgiving metal. They were the same hands that were held by Jungkook's calloused hands, that had kissed by Jungkook's lips, it was now handcuffed.

The car screeched to a stop in front of the imposing brick building of the police station. The harsh clang of the car door opening jolted Taehyung back to reality.  The officers, their faces devoid of any emotion, barked orders at him as they pulled him out of the car harshly, He stumbled out of the car, his legs shaky and weak.

He cast a desperate glance back at the car, a silent plea for escape going unanswered.

They dragged him to a small changing room inside the police station "Get dressed," one of the female cops barked, tossing a prison uniform at him. The rough fabric felt foreign against his skin, a symbol of his new status – a criminal.

they reached a small, cramped room.  The female officers shoved him roughly inside, the metal door slamming shut with a deafening bang. He slumped against the cold, concrete wall

He scanned the room – a single, bare mattress on the floor, a chipped ceramic toilet in the corner, and a barred window overlooking a dark alleyway

"Jungkook" he whispered hugging himself, Tears streamed down his face, hot and unchecked, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face in his arms, his body wracked with silent sobs

The clock hand struck twelve at night, Taehyung slumped against the cracked rough stone wall, his gaze fixed on the untouched plate of food beside him.

A single tear traced a path down his cheek, mirroring the countless others that had dried on his face.

Suddenly, footsteps shattered the silence. It was faint at first, but grew louder, sending a jolt of happiness through Taehyung.

He stood up to his feet, a flicker of hope igniting in his chest. Could it be? Was someone finally here for him? A wave of giddiness washed over him...could it be his parents or jimin ?! someone who would finally get him out of this suffocating prison.

Slowly a big smile decorated on Taehyung's teary face as stumbled towards the heavy metal bars, his bare feet slapping against the cold, damp stone floor

Taehyung's breath hitched seeing the person infront of him, taehyung's smile was wide a moment before, faltered, then died entirely on his face, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs.

Tae couldn't believe his eyes. Out of all the people he appeared appeared

Taehyung found himself rooted to the spot as he glared at the person who was standing there with a smirk on his face.

It was

You will know that in the next chapter 😆 till then guess the person ????

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