The New Queen And The Old Queen

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Asha sighed as she took the damp wash rag off of Queen Amaya's forehead, and placed it back in bowl of water beside her. Amaya seem to come to for a moment, and turned her head towards Asha. Asha sensing the queen stir leaned forward, in her chair by Amaya's bedside, and reached out for her friend's hand clutching it desperately. ''Amaya? Amaya?! Can you hear me?'' Amaya scrunched her face uncomfortably, and weakly turned her head towards Asha's voice. She blearily opened her eyes. ''Asha my dear there you are.'' Amaya said hoarsely. Asha felt tears well up in her eyes threating to fall, as she squeezed Amaya's hand gently, careful not to hurt her, and was not surprised when she got no response back. Amaya was so frail, Asha was afraid she would break her hand from gripping it too hard. She scooted closer to Amaya. ''Yes my queen I'm here.'' Asha reassured her.

As she moved closer to the queen, Asha accidently forgot about the bowl of water she left on Amaya's bed. She had forgotten to put it back on Amaya's bedside dresser. Why did she forget something that important again? She winced as some of the water sloshed out of the bowl, and messily spilled onto Amaya's bed. Asha watched in horror is the water bleed into Amaya's covers, and bed sheets, but luckily not on her. Amaya was already sick, and now she had to deal with Asha's clumsiness on top of everything else the queen was dealing with. What if she she just gave Amaya hypothermia from the cold water? Could she even get hypothermia with a fever? God what a mess.

Asha practically jumped out of her seat, and yanked the wash cloth out of the bowl with force. ''Oh my gosh you're majesty I am so sorry!'' Asha fussed over the queen. She attempted to wipe up the water with the cloth, until she realized she was using the same wet rag. Asha groaned, her cheeks burned with embarrassment, as she buried her face in her hands, to ashamed to show her face to the queen. She plopped the wash cloth back into the bowl more carefully this time, and sank down in her chair peeking at Amaya nervously out of the corner of her eye moving her fingers to briefly glance at her. Asha was surprised when she heard a light chuckle from Amaya. Even though she was sick Amaya still cracked a smile, she still laughed. Asha taking her hands off her face couldn't help but giggle along.

''Asha sweetheart don't apologize. It was an accident.'' Amaya said softly. Why the queen was always so patient with Asha, and all her mistakes she would never know. ''But you're majesty I'm so clumsy! You are sick, and I could have just made things even worse! You should have someone more qualified look after you.'' Asha looked away, beginning to run her hands through her braids a bit of a nervous habit she had developed. ''Asha darling we've been over this first of all, you don't have to keep calling me you're majesty. You are my friend, and may refer to me simply as Amaya. I have told you that for years now.'' ''Yes you're majesty.'' Asha attempted to bow in her chair, but quickly caught herself, chuckling awkwardly. ''I-I mean Amaya!'' Amaya shook her head good naturedly. ''Second of all I do not wish to have another caretaker other than you. Except for my doctor for medical reason's I assure you. You may be a little clumsy but we all have our faults'' Asha smiled at that.

She gently grabbed the wash cloth again, careful not to make another mess again, and lightly dabbed Amaya's forehead with it. Asha frowned at Amaya's poor state of health. The queen's cheeks were flushed with illness, she was drenched in sweat, and her hair was a mess, despite Asha's best efforts to brush it, and keep it clean. Despite this to Asha, and all her subjects Amaya still looked as elegant, and beautiful as ever, and was still their beloved, kind-hearted queen. ''Does that feel a bit better Amaya?'' Asha asked as she finished wiping off the sweat from Amaya's pale face. ''Yes dear it does.'' Amaya's voice was so weak, her breathing becoming more rapid, and shallow. Asha felt a pang of empathy hit her. Amaya's condition must have been painful. She wrung out the wash cloth, briefly gripping it tightly bringing it to her chest, before laying it back down in the dish of water she finally remembered to put back on Amaya's dresser. Asha turned to Amaya as she spoke ''You are such a sweet girl Asha. So kind, and caring, and full of love, and life. You always want the best for others, even above yourself. You are the Fairy Godmother of Rosas, that's what you're little star friend decided.'' Asha blushed shyly at the queen's praise. It was truly an honor to be complimented so highly by her majesty.

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