Chapter 5

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Y/n Pov:

"Almost there......annnnnndddd done!"

Wanna know what I'm doing? well let me tell yah! I'm just here sitting and doing this boring paperwork! There are tons of them that my hands are already numb!

"Wah,I'm finally finished! Say goodbye to paperwork!"

I cheered even though that I would get another bunch but who cares! I should be glad that I finally finished this one

Now that's done....what should I do next? Maybe have some donuts to cure my boredom? Hm yeah,I should do that

But before I could do that,my phone suddenly rang so I picked it up and brought it towards my left ear and greeted them warmly

But before I could do that,my phone suddenly rang so I picked it up and brought it towards my left ear and greeted them warmly

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"Moshi mosh! Hanako speaking~"

I smiled even though they couldn't see me

"Hanako! We need help immediately!"

Now that surely got my attention and my happy mood suddenly went into a serious mood but I still put a smile on my face

"Oh dear~ What happened this time,hm? You know that I need full details right,commander?"

I grinned knowing that the commander is shivering in fear right now, since I'm not the kind of person to get serious but I kinda do sometimes

" see.....ah......ahem! Our ship landed towards the forbidden space"

My eyes widened and I thought who would be stupid enough to go into that forbidden space? And guess what,it's none other than commander kokochi however I have a feeling that it isn't his doing since he did say that he's not alone..........Wait! Did I hear that right? He did say 'our and we' earlier right?

"Oh? A forbidden space? Now how did you end up there? And did I just hear you say 'we' earlier?"

I finally asked him and waited for his response,commander pauses a bit before having a guts to tell me

"Ah yes! I'm actually not alone,I'm with the new cadets along with the power sphera which they are all resting in their resting room"

'Huh interesting~'

Me and the commander talk for a bit till I finally decided to end our call and rescue him along with those new cadets,hm.....Why do I have a feeling that I knew them......

I shrugged those thoughts away before telling him to wait for our help and what I mean 'our' is that fang is tagging along with us! And no....I didn't tell commander kokochi so hush~

After ending the call I went outside of my office and yes I have my very own office given by the admiral even though I told him not to but he's too stubborn to listen sigh

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