Journey of Promise and Renewal

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In the episode where Vidya ordered Ruhi to return to the Goenka house as Abhimaan had to perform their Gangaur puja, in show Dadi Sa didn't let her go. However, in our version of the story, Ruhi goes to the Goenka house. Let's start the story.


Ruhi entered her room and began packing her belongings. She felt a pang of heartache as she reflected on Vidya's actions. Vidya, who had once professed to regard her as a mother, now demanded her departure from the house. Despite being not just a daughter-in-law but a daughter in her eyes, Ruhi was devastated by this sudden change. While she acknowledged her own missteps, she couldn't fathom how Vidya's stance could shift so swiftly.

Recognizing the repercussions of her past actions, Ruhi understood that she was now facing the consequences. She resolved to leave the house for good, realizing that her presence there had become futile. Armaan's love for Abhira was unwavering, and though he might be momentarily confused, Ruhi was certain he would soon come to his senses. With Rohit no longer a part of the picture, her ties with the Poddars had also dissolved.

As she packed her belongings, Ruhi made peace with her decision to depart, knowing that it was time to move forward and forge a new path for herself.

Having packed all her belongings into her luggage, Ruhi tenderly picked up the photo frame from their engagement. As she caressed it, a tear fell upon the frame. Quickly wiping it away, she placed the frame carefully into her bag and closed it. With her luggage in tow, she descended the stairs, seeking blessings from the elders.

Aware that she was not cherished in this household, Ruhi acknowledged the reality. The younger members adored their Abhira bhabhi, while Chachi Sa and Chacha Sa had allied themselves with Team Abhira. Papa and Bua had always favored Abhira since day one, and though Vidya had once been fond of her, now she harbored animosity. Only Dadi Sa still held affection for her, yet even today, she remained silent.

Despite the palpable lack of support, Ruhi bid farewell to everyone and departed from the house.

Upon returning to the Goenka house, Manish, Swarna, and Surekha inquired about the reason for her sudden departure. Ruhi explained that Vidya had barred her presence from the Gangaur puja, prompting her decision to sever ties with the household permanently. They expressed their support for her decision, advising her to move forward with her life. Assuring her that they would find a suitable match for her and arrange her marriage, they encouraged her to focus on her future.

Without uttering a word in response, Ruhi quietly retreated to her room. She requested not to be disturbed, expressing her desire to simply unwind. Closing the door behind her, she set her luggage aside and sank to the floor, leaning against the foot of the bed for support.

As Ruhi found herself alone in the solace of her room, she could no longer contain the flood of emotions that surged within her. With each passing moment, the facade of composure she had maintained crumbled, and she succumbed to the overwhelming tide of despair. Bitter tears cascaded down her cheeks as she drew her knees close to her chest, seeking solace in the embrace of her own arms.

In the midst of her anguish, Ruhi confronted the stark reality of her profound loneliness. With a heavy heart, she acknowledged the absence of anyone by her side to share her burdens or alleviate her pain. Her tears flowed relentlessly, a poignant testament to her sorrow, and she found herself welcoming their release. Amidst the anguish, a single word escaped her lips, a desperate plea to her departed mother, "Matashree."

In this moment of anguish, Ruhi's longing for her mother intensified, a feeling that had lingered within her soul since childhood. She reminisced about the boundless love and unwavering support her mother had bestowed upon her, how effortlessly she had dispelled her worries and fulfilled her every desire. The memory of her mother's tender care, her affectionate embrace, and her comforting presence weighed heavily upon Ruhi's heart.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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