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Chapter 0.1 - "First day"

It was 4 am in the morning. I woke up on the other side od the bed, grumpy. Today was the first day of school. Was I happy? No. Well maybe just 50%.. but still no.

I stretched and got out of bed. I looked outside my bedroom window and sighed, seeing the moening sky thats still dark.

I went to the bathroom and showered then did my skincare and put on some very light makeup, dried my hair then put my school uniform on and started heading downstairs to eat breakfast.

I saw my mom cooking brrakfast in the kitchen, half asleep. I didnt expect her to be up so early sinc she usually wakes up at 7 or 8. I just sighed then sat down, waiting for the food.

A few minutes later, my mom came to me and placed a plate infront of me with my favourite brekafast. My eyes lit up and looked at her. She really made me my favourite brelafast!

"Aww eomma!!! Youd dint have to!" i said as i stood up to hug her. Usually, my mom is strict, really strict but in the end shes still my mom and i still love her. Nevermjnd i omly love her when shes in a good mood.. im kidding i just generally love her.

"Ita fine baby i made it since i know you didnt wanna go to school today since its been a long vacation so i decided to make it for you to.. you know, brighten up your day before school starts if you get me?" She said, smiling

I smiled at her back and looked bsck at the food then started devouring it conpletely. Oh. my. gosh. This id the most delicious thing ive ever tasted!

"Thank you eommaaaaaaa! I loveee itttt! I love youuuuuuu!" I said, scrunching my nose and smiling at her

"Haha anyways have a good day at school honey!" she said, walking toward the stairs to go to the bedroom.

After a few minutes, i finally finished my food. I got uo and brushed my teetb then out my bag on and exited the house, locking the door behind me.

I walked towarss the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. Ive been studying at the same school since i was grade 1 and i do gotta say.. yeah its hell here i wanna change schools.

I saw the bus arrive and quickly got on, sitting at the front because last time i sat in the back or somewhere else, those popular kids told me they sat there and bullied me. Oh well i dont care.

After 14 minutes, i finally arrived at school. I qas usually always early since i like it better when the school is quiet and peaceful.

I went to my locker then placed my thigns there and changed into flip flops cause its more comfy than these mary janes my grandma always makes me wear.

Suddenly, as i was about to close the locker, i saw my best firend jiwon. Shes usually the earliest to come to school.

"Jiwon unnieee!" I said as i ran towards her, opening my arms to hug her.

"Hi hyerinnie!" she said, calling me by thr nicknamr shr made for me. I smiles at her then broke the hug

"Where are the others?" I asked her. Well that was actually a very stupid question since our other 3 friendgroup members ALWAYS came late. Chan gets here early though

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