The Trial

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It was Monday, and Chabashira was making an announcement during morning homeroom.

Chabashira: The date for trial to ascertain the truth of the events regarding the incident with Sudo has been set. It is this Thursday. Sudo along with two class representatives will be present.

Hitomi: Gonna guess that's us?

He said looking at Horikita.

Horikita: Indeed.

Hitomi: Alright.

Horikita: Did Sakura-san get her camera fixed?

Hitomi: Yeah it should arrive later today.

Horikita: Good.


It was later on in the day after Hitomi's basketball practice and Horikita knocked on his door... Only for him to not answer. Realizing he wasn't home she checked his location.

Horikita: Why's he all the way out there?

Her phone showed his location being at the far end of the campus. Very far from where anyone would be. She began making her way over.


Hitomi was at the outdoor basketball court that was located far from the main area of the campus. He comes here when he wants to be alone and clear his head. His mental health had been worsening on the inside, and given he has no one to talk to about it( or at least anyone he trusts) he does this instead.

Making it to where his phone says he is Horikita looks around and sees Hitomi doing many different dribble moves. He wasn't shooting the ball and only dribbling. Starting from half court he preformed a sham god with his right into two low behind the back dribbles. He crossed the ball in between his legs to his left land, he then preformed a sweeping behind the back dribble to his right. He then preformed a snatch back dribble and then a spider dribble.

 He then preformed a snatch back dribble and then a spider dribble

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(this but he does it much faster)

After completing a full spider dribble he took it in his right and accelerated forward at impeccable speed, he threw the ball off the backboard, jumped up grabbing the ball with his right hand and slamming it into the net. As he lands and picks up the ball, he drops it and then performs a lazy spin move and starts dribbling again, when he sees Horikita.

Hitomi: Horikita?

Horikita: Hello Hitomi-kun.

Hitomi: Uh... How long have you been there?

Horikita. Long enough. How come you weren't shooting for the longest time and just doing random moves in the same spot?

Hitomi: It helps me clear my head.

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