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This story happend in the maraurders 5th year so in my au they  know about the war and voldemort already .

They just arrived at howarts , Lily evans and her Friends Marlene and  Mary were sitting in tye gryffindor table waiting for the feast to begin when suddenly a screen apeared out of nowhere and a arrange letter come out of It james Potter and his Friends the maraurders were instantly the main Focus everyone wanting to know what kind of pranksn they had created this year , however they looked as confused as everyone else so dumbledore rushed to read the letter

Hello you are going to be watching the life of Anabelle Lily Potter. Daughter of james and lyly Evans Potter and sister to Harry Potter the boy Who lived and the girl Who lived .
She has many titoes and endured many difficulties but you Will see that in the screen

screen suddenly popped out of nowhere

There is no way I married that toe-rag !!!!!! Says lyly

I cant believed i got Evans says Potter as he starts a silly dance and the maraurders look quite impressed sirius black gibed him a hug saying Who knew you could actually have a chance with her and not only did you marry her but you had her daughter i cant wait to see that mini prongs remus lupin the only maraurders Who was somewhat Friends with Lily looked at them with a humorius expresion and the he proceeded to look at Lily with asmile shaking his head , he being the only one Who had noticed that she was sliwly catching feelimgs for james .

At the other end of the hall,  the other House were equally surprised after all james had been sern being rejected so many times that they were sure that It was nevera going to happend the huffelpufs looked Happy for the couple and they laughed at the whole drama that was happening , the ravenclaws looked somewhat confused and bored at the same time however they still looked at them with acceptance and kindness at another had the slytherin table was muttering cruel remaks about them many saying how It was a traitor to the Blood to marry a mudblood 2 people didnt join severus snape Who looked heartbroken only for It to chance to anger as soon as someone looked at him and Regulus black Who was know to be quiet and perfect in reality he didnt know what to think so he just staid quiet  not wanting to dissapoint

And then something apeared in the screen and everyone shut Up and whatched .

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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