Chapter 5

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Your POV

I got a text from my friend, Josh.

"Hey, Y/n. I haven't heard from you in about a week. What are you up to
right now, friend?"

"Well, right now, I have a collar on my neck. Please don't ask..."

"Where are you? I'm going to help you get out of this pickle."

"If I told you that, you wouldn't believe me, Josh."

"Just tell me, I promise I will believe you.

"I am in Hell."

"How did you get there!?"

"Wait, you believe me?"


Josh POV

I have no idea what is going on with
Y/n, but I think she needs help.

The only problem is, how am I gonna get to her!?


I heard the sound of a gun firing.

Luckily, I missed getting hit by the bullet.

I turn on the lights, and see three

Most people would be scared, but not me.

"Wait, don't kill me!"

"And why should we not kill you?"

"Look, my friend is in danger, and she is in Hell, somehow. She is like
family to me. Please, she needs my help. She is wonderful."

".... Okay, we'll help you. Come with us, kid."

I went with them, because I had no
other way to get to Y/n.

Time skip

I tried to call Y/n, but she didn't pick up.

By then the three demons told me their names.

I told Moxxie, Millie, and Blitz that my name is Josh.

"I have a daughter, Loona, but she stayed home sick today. Anyway,
Don't worry, Josh, you will find her."

"I hope I find her soon."

Then, I left the trio to find Y/n.


Your POV

Josh tried to call me, but Alastor didn't let me answer it.

Later, he tried again, and this time,
Dad grabbed my phone, and answered it.

"Hello? Y/n, are you there?"

"Josh, I'm at-"

Alastor pulled on the leash connected to the collar.

I couldn't breathe, he was pulling way too tight.

"Is your name Josh?"

"Yes, Y/n is my friend, were is she so that I can help?"

"Hazbin Hotel."

"Okay, thank you!"

Time skip

Josh POV

I ran into the hotel, and found Y/n.

Someone was pulling on a leash connected to the collar on Y/n's neck, my poor friend.

I immediately removed the leash from the collar.

Y/n gasped for air, and looked relieved.

Then, without thinking it through first, I attacked the guy that was pulling on the leash.

I bit his hand, and Y/n gave me a satisfied smile.

He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt, and put something on my neck, then locked it in place.

Then he pulled out a remote, and I saw where this was going.

He put a shock collar on me, and I knew it.

"You can hurt me all you want, but
not my friend!"

The shock collar was activated, and I screamed in pain.
Y/n managed to get the collar off of herself somehow.

She ran over to me, hugging me.

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