It's All Art

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"Muse," Mr. Rigamer said, capitalizing on his usual grand hand gestures. He pointed towards the whiteboard with way too much excitement and clapped once. "Anybody know what that is?"

Several eyes darted towards clueless faces. Lauren was considerably annoyed. She felt that her level and knowledge exceeded that of this class. However, she was stuck here due to a scheduling mishap. Being surrounded by freshmen wasn't exactly ideal for her. She was amongst only two other upperclassman in an intermediate art class, so this was what she had to deal with.

"Guys, please, don't answer all at once," he joked good-naturedly. He was only trying to spark some level of interest or effort within his class, but was failing. Maybe if he called out some names, he'd get a response. "Normani? Alexa?"

The only reason Lauren wasn't answering was because for once, she wanted to give other students a shot. After a few more moments of awkward silence, she slowly began to abandon that decision. Did these idiots really not know? Shouldn't that be in Art 101? The brunette groaned and waited for someone to speak up so she wouldn't have to, but eventually, all eyes were directed at her. It was like she was the default person to answer everything. It kind of seemed like the entire class deemed her the only one obligated to verbally participate. As always, she was the only one to raise her hand.

"Lauren, yes! Lay it on me, what is a muse?" Mr. Rigamer reproposed, eyeing the green-eyed girl intently. He crouched down into a squat as he awaited her inevitable answer. His theatrics were Lauren's favorite part of class. It was only part of the reason he was her favorite teacher.

"It's like... Your inspiration, kind of. It's usually a woman or a girl," Lauren explained in simple terms, keeping her extensive Greek mythology answer to herself. She was so over this lesson. She'd already been through this before.

"Exactly. Essentially speaking, your muse is your creative inspiration. While it doesn't always have to be a woman, it typically is. And your assignment for the week is to find yourself a muse," he announced and snapped his fingers, because the man just couldn't resist being dramatic. His energy went unmatched.

Upon hearing that, Lauren relaxed instantly. How wonderful. This wasn't an assignment at all. She already had a muse and she was always willing. Now, she was just wondering how she would bring her to life on the canvas this time.

"Your goal this week is to explore new mediums. Experiment with something new. Create something based on your muse and wow me. Questions?" he paused, holding out his arms and taking a new stance. His legs were spread out wide and he looked like he was poised to attack something, which made Lauren giggle. When no one answered him, which didn't come as a surprise, he leaped into the air. "Splendid! Class dismissed."

Lauren exited the class with a smile on her face. If she were being honest, she was somewhat looking forward to this. Attempting to draw or paint her girlfriend was always fun. She was a good sport and had the required patience for Lauren to do so. It was a rewarding task and brought them closer in the end. She couldn't wait.


"Babe, I have great news," Lauren announced after bustling into her girlfriend's dorm. She pushed the door closed and broke into a wide grin when she saw her.

"Hello to you too..." Camila grumbled playfully from her position on her bed. She was perched on top of her comforter with her legs crossed in front of her. In her lap sat her laptop. Because she was wearing her glasses, Lauren assumed she was working on an assignment.

"Sorry," Lauren apologized quickly and set her bag down by the door. She sauntered over to her bed, where Camila puckered her lips up at her for a kiss. Lauren grasped her cheeks and satisfied her with a lingering kiss before pulling away and sitting on the edge of her bed. "Hello, Camz. How are you today?"

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