Ren the Bloody: File 3

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Entry 8
Today, I took note of how many loonies are in this particular ward with me. One fellow, maybe in his mid twenties, was mute. He always has sorrow glassing his eyes. Supposedly, he enters fits of violence, and the nurses have to sedate him. When he does this, he tends to cause injury to at least someone, crying as he does it. I won't even attempt to break down what pieces of him the abyss took. There are a group of three who are always around each other. They play games, talk about gossip, make jokes, discuss deep topics, you know, NORMAL people shit. You would almost question why they are in here, if not for the fact that they repeat the exact same things they did the day before. Even talking about the same topics, down to the word, at the exact same time that they did the day before. Even playing the same games and creating the exact same outcomes that they did the day before. It was almost magic. If you looked closely, you would notice that they used cardistry and slight of hand to ensure the outcomes stayed the same in the games. Sometimes I wonder if the world would explode if I just walked over and... Took. It. All. Hehehe. Alice is here too. I have noticed that she stares at me whenever I am not looking. It is like she is waiting for something to happen. If I try to stare back, she looks away as if she was doing something she shouldn't. It would be creepy but it doesn't bother me. People tend to try so very hard to be important, but gods don't weep for the insects beneath their feet. Lastly, there is a nearly bald guy. Old. He has a grumpy look, but somehow I think he is the most sane of all of us. I cannot sense the void inside him. I wonder if this is the path he wanted? The ultimate jester. To fool them all you must fool yourself.
This I know.

Entry 9
She was the first. I knew she would be. I KNEW she would be. She just had that... target. One that calls to all of us. Like fate wanted her to be the one. She had 3 friends. She almost always hung out with them. One of them was her boyfriend. I knew him. He was the one who conducted everything. He was there for all of it. His GODFORSAKEN smile will never leave me. I needed a plan. Parties and hang outs would not be good enough. Sleepovers have potential but that seems almost too cliche. February 29th. A leap year. I had heard whispers that the four of them were going to stay at a property his family owned. It was right before sunset. It just felt right. All of the blood in my body flushing through my veins. It felt... unreal. Even an idiot can get their hands on chloroform. This is how the police would report that I was able to incapacitate five nearly adult teenagers. The truth is, simply, that I am powerful and they were not. She was the first to wake up. Mostly thanks to her brain inducing consciousness because her flesh was being sawed open. This was the first time I truly held a knife. I always found it interesting how kneecaps work. When you relax your legs, they can move around freely beneath your skin. When you bend or stand on your legs, they become fixed in place, right where they should be. I gently pressed the sharp steel just underneath her kneecap. She was laying down so I could move it around like joystick on a controller. I slit the knife carefully across her skin, and in the knife's wake, the crimson liquid of life began to rise out to block the newly exposed flesh. I could see the white line of cartilage that holds the kneecaps in place. Imagine cutting a store bought steak and you are sawing and slicing but there is that one piece that just won't cut. It was around this time that she started screaming. Even through the tape and cloth, you could hear her throat straining at the pitch she made. Really now? That is all it took? Her screams turned into weeps by the time I finished removing bone from flesh. In my hands was a trophy. The seashell white kneecap of the innocent, stained in blood. Perhaps she didn't deserve the torture that was upon her. However, one thing is certain. Misery is consequence.
This I know.

I think I'm going to be sick.
I suppose sooner or later, he was going to write about what he did. That poor girl... Ren writes about how she was acquainted with someone he knew. The bullies he brings up in his stories... is this one of them? It would make the most sense, to target someone who brought him so much pain. However, Ren didn't target him first, he targeted their girlfriend. Strange.
There is his mentions of Alice too. Perhaps to the less informed, it wouldn't be too out of place, but I know different. I don't remember an Alice being in the care of the foundation. Not in ward C, at least. The other doctors don't talk about their patients much, company policy, but I think I would remember a patient named Alice... I have some footage of Ren's time in the common area. Maybe I should look to see if his story of her is true.
It has started raining, but the commotion in the offices is not settling down. It is hard to focus and their banging is making my vision blurry. Maybe a look at something other than white paper is a good idea after all. -Dr. L

Entry 10
The doctor is sick. He isn't coughing or sneezing or anything like that, but he is sick. I can tell. Today, he wanted me to talk about the stranger that helped me in junior high. I only told him that this guy was there for me when I was being bullied. He knows there is something more here, but it is not like he can read my book where I hide my truths. Hehehe.
You want to know if I am still friends with him, don't you doctor? "You got me" he said. I replied with a measly 'no' because I know the doctor has latched onto something, and the mystery will be enough to elate him. The truth is, he is no better than the rest. The truth is, he is ROTTEN. I know exactly why he helped me that day. To him, I was a charity case. His ticket into heaven. If he showed kindness to me, then his conscious would be free. At first, he was kind. He patched me up and gave me some new clothes to wear so that I didn't have to go home all bloodied up. Not that it mattered anyways. We got along. He was an escape. He would talk about all the things he was interested in and made everything he said seem so... fun. I tried to involve myself in the same interests, just so that I could be someone he can comfortably share his joys with. I remember, one day, he presented me with something odd. At the time, I know he was only joking, but to me it was everything. He showed me that he had all the paperwork to legally make me his brother, if he wanted. He laughed and I laughed but that made me happy. We grew closer and I treasured his friendship. However, everything else didn't change. A day didn't go by when I wasn't wrapped up in bandages or braces. I became more of a mummy than a human being. Eventually, that would catch up with him too. One day, I could just tell that he was pushing me away. It was because the other kids and teachers were pressuring him after noticing I was hanging around him, or he was just ashamed, or both. At first, I just brushed it off thinking that he would go back to the way it was before and that this was just a rough patch. One day, I was the target of exceptionally harsh verbal harassment from some kids. He was there and I turned to him, hoping that he would shield me. He did not. He laughed it all off. I got up and left the room. I was so infuriated but I stayed just outside the room so I could hear them talk. One of the kids asked him if he is friends with me. He said no. I think he knew I heard him because a week later, he transferred schools. He was smart enough to get into any school he wanted and do well. He never told me why he did it. He never told me what changed. He never said a fucking word. Just left. Doctor, tell me, what do you think hurt more? My broken ribs, my sprained fingers, my bruised stomach, my swollen cheeks, my aching bones, my open wounds? Or my best friend tossing me aside, his charity work finished? My best friend cutting the fat out of his life and wiping his hands clean? My best friend being praised by everyone around him, completely oblivious to the evil inside of him? I would have taken a bullet for him and he scoffs at it. I am a mirror.
This I know.

I watched the footage from when Ren said he met with Alice for the first time. Sure enough, clear as day, there she was. Even the part where she gashed him. Its so strange, why can't I remember her? I don't know if I'm tired or the footage is too compressed or what, but when I look at Alice, her eyes look completely black. She looks barely older than Ren. Why is she here?
I don't remember feeling sick when I was giving sessions to Ren, I wonder what he is writing about? Unless he meant it as a gesture to me as I am right now... Haha, no way.
It seems like he carries wounds of the heart, as well as the body with him. His hatred continues to grow in these stories. If he is fueled by revenge, why didn't he go after this ex-friend? Perhaps he didn't get the chance to, if that is the case, I am happy Ren is locked in here.
I have started coughing a little, and I feel a weight at the center of my gravity, but I think its both from exhaustion and the meds I took earlier. The effects of which seem to have stopped working as my headache is getting worse. The rain is heavy and the thunder is loud. -Dr. L

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