chapter 1: rose losses her parents

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It was a really stormy day. Me and my sister were chilling in our room when my mum came in to talk to us. 

"Girls me and your dad are heading out for a couple of hours ok" said our mum

 "ok mum" I replied as my mum walked out

 After my mum walked away I turned to my sister and that's when I noticed something weird. My sister was sitting at the window facing me and I saw a figure standing at the edge of the woods at my house. For a bit of background my family live at the edge of the woods not to far from a busy rural area and we have lived there for about three years now.

After a couple of seconds my eyes started to hurt from being dry so I looked away from the window to blink and when I looked back out of the window the figure was gone. "that was weird" I thought to myself

that's when my brother came into mine and my sisters room.

"both of you get to the bathroom now" in a calm but scared voice

 I opened my mouth to speak but before I could say anything my brother rushed over to me " don't you dare speak" he said in a whisper

 so I closed my mouth Then he went over to my sister who was still at the window and he gently pulled her away from it. After a couple of seconds we went to the bathroom and after we were all in my brother closed and locked the door which locked from the inside.

After what feels like 5 hours but was actually about 2 hours we hear the front door being knock down by someone and after a bit we hear them coming up the stairs and to be completely honest me and my brother were terrified but we didn't show that we were because of our sister. Now you may be wondering why we didn't show we were scared, well that's because we didn't want our sister to be even more scared then she all ready was. After what seemed like another 4 hours we decided to unlock the bathroom door and go down stairs to see what happened and when I looked at the living room clock I noticed that it was passed the time our parents said they would be home by so we all decided to head to bed for the night.

The next morning was a Monday but we were on holiday so we didn't have school and after i got up I decided to go down stairs only to find that my brother was up and had the news on.

 "Good morning folks and welcome to Scots news. The top stories this morning are. The market for pencils is declining and two unidentified bodies were found." Said the news presenter

 When I say the picture for the story about the two unidentified bodies I froze and that's when my brother turned to me and time felt like it had just stopped that's when I turned back to the tv to continue watching the news.

"But first the weather with Zander. Zander over to you." Said the news presenter

 "thank you hazel. Yes, people in the southern parts of England and Scotland are to expect some light rain and a gentle breeze. That's all back to you in the studio." Finishing the weather correspondent

 that's when my brother got up.

"where are you going" I asked

 "where do you think" responded my brother 

"wait you can't just go to find our parents" I responded

 "yes I can and am going to so go to your and our sister's room and lock the door and wait for me to call you." My brother responded

 so I did what he said and we're to mine and my sisters room and locked the door.

Hours went by with nothing from my brother and I was starting to get worried but I stuck to my word and waited. After a couple of hours later I decided to call the police and report my brother missing.

Months went by with little to nothing about my brother and my sister was starting to ask questions that I didn't have the answers to. Don't get me wrong I want to tell her what really happened but she is still to young to understand but I will tell her when she is old enough to understand but for now am going to keep telling her that he will come back because he will never abandon his sister's but am starting to loose hope of him ever returning home from his adventure that's even if he's still alive but am starting to believe that he isn't alive any more.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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