Chapter 1 : City blues

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I was sitting in the backseat of the car with my little brother Dylan, my parents were driving. Mom announced to us "We're here !". We could read on the sign : Welcome to Sparkfield !
I sighed, thinking of everything i was leaving behind.. my friends, my school, my house, Logan. I could not believe I had to leave right when i started having chances with him ! He said we were gonna call on insta but its not the same, I know he doesn't believe in long-distance relationships so we had to only be friends.

We parked in front of an apartment, i guess this is it then..
Inside the apartment, our stuff in boxes were already there. My dad trying to cheer me up pointed at a door and said "there's the really cool room in told you about"
I opened the door and saw a small room with a skylight on the ceiling and a big window.
My things were already there as my dad wanted to surprise me. I looked around and even if the room was really nice, it didnt feel like home.. my posters and my photos weren't on the white wall, it had no soul. I flopped down on my bed, burying my face in my pillow, trying to block out the reality of my new life.

I didnt sleep all night because i was too apprehensive about the first day of school, what if no one likes me and i don't fit in at all. I cant believe im gonna walk into a new school in the middle of the year.
The next morning i put on my uniform which was composed of a white polo shirt, a dark blue plaid skirt and some long grey socks. Felt like putting the costume for a play i didnt audition for.
My dad had prepared breakfast for everyone, but i only grabbed an apple and left.
As i stepped out onto the busy city streets, I couldn't help but feel small amongst all these people rushing past me.

I arrived in front of the school, it was sooo big compared to my old one. On the facade was written "Sparkfield High" So many students were there, for them this was a regular monday. I couldnt help but notice that something felt wrong. I walked into the school
A suddenly felt a sinking feeling in my stomach as i realized
While i was walking to try and find a bathroom to hide as fast as i could, others were glancing at me with curious faces and some laughing. I wanted to disappear. I entered a bathroom and started hyperventilating. "Are you ok ?" I looked up and saw a guy, he was tall and had dark skin that looked smoother than mine has ever been and ever will be. His curly hair was framing his face, where even if he was looking very concerned, he looked kind and relaxed. His energy was graceful. I hid my face in my hands and mumbled "Im in the boys bathroom ? Great..." sarcastically. "Don't worry its all good, you don't seem to be having a good start of your day" i noded and sighed. "Im new here, my name is Isla and as you can see im not making a good first impression in this school". "I'm Fabian" he said, he laughed kindly and said "dont worry, we can find you something to wear, we haven't wore this uniform in 2 years, we convinced the principal with the like 3 petitions on how expressing ourselves is crucial in our teenage years, it was quite the battle haha".

We went to his friends locker where she was waiting for us with some spare clothes she had. She had a buzz cut, some really cool eyeliner that highlighted her air of boldness. She was rocking some clothes that would be considered masculine.

My name is Jenny, she said smiling at me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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