{Self Care}

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 Y/N Johnson

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Y/N Johnson

10:47 AM

" mama I got you some breakfast it's time to get up" Duke said lightly shaking me.

" noooo" I groaned turning over and pulling the cover over my head.

" come on mamas I got stuff planned you gotta get up" Duke said taking the cover off my head.

" fine I'm up" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

" here mamas eat this then get ready we gotta go" Duke said handing me a plate of food.

" here mamas eat this then get ready we gotta go" Duke said handing me a plate of food

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"Duke where are we going" i asked taking the food from him.

" you gon find out when we get there" Duke said sitting on the bed with me.

" why won't you just tell me now" I asked eating some of the food.

" because it's a surprise mama" he said taking some of my bacon.

" you should really just tell me now so I'll know what to wear" I said looking at him with a smile.

He laughed lightly before looking at me and shaking his head "you gon have to wait and see what it is when we get there and just wear something your comfortable in" Duke said stealing more of my food.

" come on Duke just tell me where we're going" I said while making eye contact with him.

" i know what your doing and im not going to tell you so eat your food and get ready I'll be in the living room waiting for you". He said getting of the bed and walking out the room.

I let out a sigh before grabbing my phone and scrolling on TikTok while I ate my breakfast.

11:21 AM

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