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Three months went by as the season was Fall. Jin, Ellie, and Joel arrived in Jackson County.

Ellie: Jackson County. Means we're close to Jackson city, right?

Joel: Shouldn't be more than a few miles.

Ellie: You ready to see dear, old brother?

Joel: I'm just ready to get there.

Jin: Nervous?

Joel: I don't know what I'm feeling.

Jin: Well, let's go.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel walk on the dirt road. They then see it was destroyed up ahead.

Ellie: So much for this road.

Joel: We just follow the river. It'll lead us straight to Tommy's. C'mon.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel walk down hill.

Ellie: What happened between you two?

Joel: What do you mean?

Ellie: You and Tommy... you're not together, so clearly something went down.

Joel: We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all.

Ellie: Oh, here we go.. so what was it about?

Joel: Tommy saw the world one way, I saw it the other.

Ellie: And that's why he joined the Fireflies?

Joel: Yeah, your friend Marlene promised him hope.That kept him busy for awhile, but just like Tommy, he eventually quit that too.

Jin: When was the last time you saw him?

Joel: I believe his last words to me were, "I don't ever want to see your god damned face again."

Ellie: Jeez. But he's gonna help us?

Joel: I suppose we're going to find out.

Ellie: Well, with or without his help, we'll get there.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel arrive to see something pretty interesting.

Ellie: What's that?

Joel: That right there is a hydroelectric power plant.

Ellie: A... hydra who?

Jin: It uses the river's movement and turns it into electricity.

Ellie: You know how it works?

Jin: Yeah. I just haven't seen one in a long time that's All.

Jin, Ellie, and Joel walk up the stairs. Joel turns the switch as only half of the walkway appears.

Jin: I can probably make that jump.

Jin gets a running head start. Jin runs and jumps as he grabs onto the ledge and he pulls himself up. Jin then turns the switch as the platform goes up and lines with the other. Ellie and Joel walk across and rejoin with Jin. They then go and walk up the stairs.

Ellie: Agh, I'm so hungry.

Joel: I know I am too.

Ellie: All right, next squirrel sees. I'm totally shooting

Jin: You can use my bow.

Ellie: Really?

Jin: Nope. I'm too scared you might break it.

Ellie: Wow, fine.

They crawl under the tree and reach the other side.

Ellie: Uh, should we head in?

The Last of Us: Survive (Ellie x MOC) (AMWW)Where stories live. Discover now