🍎Chapter 4: Tuesday🍎

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"How are we going about this?"
As soon as they got dropped off by their Dad and he drove off, walking to up the path Felix was thinking.
"First, we need to get a key or a lockpics to that door and the hatch, sneak down and get Kid back."
Theodore followed close to his brother as they walked closer to the Kindergarten,"Doesn't Monty have lockpics?", Felix nods,"Yes, but we're not sure if they'll work so Penny is gonna sneak in, test them and look for the keys even if it works; Best to have a key.", Theodore nods and they fell quiet as they approached the stairs.
Felix wanted nothing more than to glare at the Principal, her stupid smile, disgust and anger grew in him as he looked at her longer, he had to look away to stop him from visibly glaring as she'd just catch on.


Penny snuck into her mother's office, she noticed the small sign that the carpet could be lifted and immediately looked around the room.
She can detect metal, though she still searches properly in case she mistakes something else for the keys.
She needed the key to the hatch and this office, either take it or make a copy.


"Anything. . .?"
"Not yet; Either she has the keys on her or keys are hidden somewhere else."
Monty hummed, he was sitting of gym for obvious reasons.
Where else could she hide the key, usually people don't keep much on them.
"Try the lockpicks I gave you, see if they work.", with that, Penny went silent and Monty placed the walkie on his lap.
He watched as Ozzie ran from the balls Carla was throwing at him.
Though, Monty wondered what Kid would think if he told him about the tension.
Theodore looked around the class, every kid noticed that Kid wasn't there in the morning, not in study hall or even here.
Even The Old Janitor noticed, and he hated them all!
"Doesn't work. . . The lock must be different from other locks."
Monty picked it up,"So either find a key, or we just break that door or hatch down/open.", Monty knew it.


"Hey brats."
They jumped, Felix closing the laptop slightly and there was The Janitor at their lunch table and eying them all suspiciously.
"Where's the other one? The one with the blue stripped sweater, usually he sits with ya."
They looked at one another.
"We dunno, guess he isn't today."
He didn't believe them, Kid always comes in as he barely got sick, but Janitor had nothing on them so he left them to eat.
Penny leaned forward,"So, I'll check home for the keys.", Theodore was nervous,"And if we can't find it?", Felix knocked the table,"Then we break down that door and hatch.", yeah, force and violence were the last options-
Well: Technically the first, since they all wanted that lady dead or punished for this.

Carla was suspicious, The twins, Penny, Lily, Billy, Nugget and Monty sitting together? That's a little odd.
Cindy leaned forward,"What's up with them?", "I dunno. . . First they're all together and Kid doesn't turn up today."
They went silent.
Everyone noticed he wasn't here, disappeared yesterday and didn't show up today.
. . .


Penny was handed a mould,"If you find the key, use this mould and press the key into it; That way we can make a copy and your mom won't notice the keys gone.", Penny nods, putting it in her pocket.
They were hidden behind a wall of the playground, Nugget had gone to work on his cave.
Carla ran over, scaring the hell out of Theodore,"What's going on you guys? Where's Kid?", they glanced at one another, Carla folded her arms; She knew they knew something, them sitting together was a dead give away.
"Whatever is happening; I want in."
She folded her arms, determined to know.
. . .
Monty sighed, Felix nods and so Lily took her hand,"The Principal kidnapped Kid. . .", "What?!", they hushed her, pointing and reminding her that Mrs Applegate, Old Janitor and Bob.
"The Principal took Kid. . .?!"
"Yeah, we have video evidence. . . We need the key to the Principal's office and to a hatch under the carpet; He's there."
Carla nods, she knelt down,"Count me in, I wanna help.", well, they had more help now though they'll need to let Nugget know, but the main goal was to get through that door and hatch.
Even if it means they have to break down those doors and hatch to get their friend back from that evil Old lady.
"Wait. . . Wouldn't the Janitor or Bob have keys to the whole building?"
. . .
Felix peaked out from the wall, eyeing with of their Janitors and he could see Bob and Old Janitor had 2 rings of keys; Who knows if they have the same keys though.

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