One - Just Checking In

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(⚠️TW: substance abuse, suicide mentioned. Viewer discretion is advised.⚠️)

Friday, December 13th, 202█.

Four's eyes snapped open as they jerked themselves into an upright position, clutching the back of their head as a phantom pain surged through their body. Their heart beat far quicker than it should be at this time of day, waking up from nightmares always did that to them.

Bringing their hand back in front of them, examining it in the dim light coming through their barely curtained windows. There's nothing there, of course, why would there be anything? It was just a dream, after all.

But still, it was a dream that Four hadn't had since they blocked out those memories years ago. So why were they just now coming back?

Sighing, they threw their covers off of themselves, the cold air biting at their legs. They couldn't afford the air conditioner anymore on their salary, so it was always off.

Shivering as they put their favorite jacket on, Four trudged into their kitchen, that dreaded thing that reminded them so much of the bastard who'd promised them safety. They'd trusted them wholeheartedly, maybe when they were six, but twenty years was a lot of time to realize that their word was a bold-faced lie. They may have once believed in it, hoping they'd be saved from that torture, but it had fizzled out in about a week, replaced with hopeless acceptance and the cynical, hollow shell of an adult.

Pouring themselves a mug full of cold coffee, Four chugged the remainder that was in the pot. The cup would be for when they got home today. It chilled their heart, cold and bitter as it ran down the back of their throat and into their stomach. All the more unfulfilling, they guessed.

Looking out the window as they set the coffeepot back down in its holster, they found a moving van obstructing most of the view, outside of Pi's old house. That house had been open for years, Four know that it would only be a matter of time before someone bought it again. They just hoped it was someone worse than Pi this time.

Throwing their winter boots on and walking out of their home, Four was met with almost immediately after going out. Just their luck. A long walk with wind and cold chills stinging their eyes was always the standard during winter.

Walking past their new neighbor's house, they tried to see them, at least for a second so they knew who exactly they would be dealing with until one of them moved out. But nobody was outside, nor in any of the windows. Oh well. They'd pay a visit later.

The long walk to their job was always a difficulty in their day, something always happened to delay them, or made sure something would go wrong later. Today, the struggle was wet cement on their route. How unfortunate for them.

Especially so, as they plunged their right foot directly into it. Lovely, now they had to spend part of their grocery money on yet another pair of winter boots. Guess it was another lonely month of eating beans from a can again.

Already feeling the coming onslaught of dread, Four stepped back out, walking around the new sidewalk, leaving cement footprints behind with every other step. Today was already weighing down on them, and it was only going to get worse from here.

Finally making it to their new destination, the local grocery store, Four took off their boots, or at least tried to, not wanting to bring wet cement onto the floor for the poor cleaning staff to clean up. Even though their heart had been cold and dead for years, they weren't a monster.

As they were struggling with every fiber of their being to pull off their right boot, their general manager, Q greeted them. "Hey, how's it going, Four?" They had that same cheery energy that they remembered from that kid. It always pissed them off, though they knew it wasn't their fault. They didn't know.

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