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As the Hogwarts Express chugged its way through the English countryside, Adalaide Potter stared out the window, her thoughts swirling as tumultuously as the passing landscape. She couldn't shake the nervous energy coursing through her veins, knowing that in just a few short hours, she would step foot into the hallowed halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for the first time. Beside her, Harry fidgeted with excitement, his emerald eyes sparkling with anticipation. "Can you believe we're finally going to Hogwarts, Adie?" he exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe. Adalaide managed a tight-lipped smile, masking the unease bubbling beneath the surface. For her, Hogwarts represented more than just a magical education; it was a chance to forge her own path, away from the towering shadow of her famous brother.As the train rattled onward, Adalaide couldn't shake the nagging doubt that whispered in the recesses of her mind. What if she didn't belong in Gryffindor like Harry? What if the Sorting Hat saw something in her that no one else did? The uncertainty gnawed at her, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade she presented to the world.But as the scarlet steam engine pulled into Hogsmeade Station and the platform teemed with bustling students, Adalaide squared her shoulders and plastered on a confident grin. Whatever lay ahead, she was determined to face it head-on, even if it meant challenging everything she thought she knew about herself and her place in the magical world. Adelaide was never just 'Adalaide' or 'The Girl That Also Lived' she was 'The Girl Found Hidden In A Cupboard' or 'The Twin Of The Famous Harry Potter' and she hated it. She was hoping this was her chance to escape. As the first-years assembled in the Great Hall, Adalaide's stomach churned with a mix of apprehension and dread. The flickering torchlight cast eerie shadows across the room, amplifying her unease as she waited for her turn at the Sorting Ceremony.

With a creak, the doors swung open, and Professor McGonagall led the nervous students to the front of the room. Adalaide's steps faltered as she approached the stool, her heart pounding in her chest as she glimpsed the ominous silhouette of the Sorting Hat. Each name called felt like a tolling bell, signaling her impending fate. Adalaide watched with a sinking feeling as her classmates were sorted into houses, their cheers and applause ringing hollow in her ears. When her name was finally called, Adalaide hesitated, her hand trembling as she placed the Sorting Hat upon her head. Darkness enveloped her, suffocating in its intensity as she awaited her verdict. "Slytherin," the Sorting Hat whispered, its voice a sinister hiss that sent shivers down her spine. Adalaide's breath caught in her throat, her worst fears realized as she removed the hat, a sense of dread settling over her like a suffocating blanket. As she made her way to the Slytherin table, Adalaide couldn't shake the gnawing sense of unease that coiled in the pit of her stomach. Would she ever truly belong in this house of ambition and cunning, or would she forever be an outsider in her own skin? I mean she has no friends of her own. They were all just adoring fans of her brother that wanted to know more about him and not her. As she sat at the table cheering for Harry after he got Gryffindor a girl sat beside her. "Hi" she says with a mischievous grin. "I'm Pansy Parkinson, you're Adalaide, right?" Adalaide nods. "Yep that's me" she says looking down. "That's nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone will adore you!" Adalaide looks at Pansy and scrunches her nose.''Tell that to bleach boy over there he's been imagining a death curse towards me since I sat down." Pansy looks over and laughs softly. "That's just Draco, he has staring problems obviously." she flips him off and they both laugh. Draco looks away while rolling his eyes. As the year went by Adalaide and Pansy had gotten closer. They had all their classes together and Draco barely went near Adelaide unless Pansy wasn't with her. "I just don't get it Pansy what is the point of this anyway." she groans and slides in her chair. "Sit up the point is you and Astoria need to be friends because what if we don't have a class together next term and you're stuck with Malfoy?" and of course as soon as she says that he appears."At least whisper if you're going to speak of me Parkinson." he sneers. "Go away Malfoy." Ada says as she looks at him annoyed. "Why do you have such a problem with me Potter?" he spats. "Maybe because anytime i'm around you give me death glares secretly wishing I was dead." she states and grabs her things leaving with Pansy following in her footsteps,leaving Draco by himself. The years passed as fast as the days did in the first year. It was now fourth year and Ada, Pansy, and Astoria were all in the common room just talking. "So Pansy you and Draco?" Astoria says, wiggling her eyebrows. "It's just an arrangement our parents are forcing us into." she replies. Ada feels a sting as she hears those words come out of her best friend's mouth. "I'll be in the dorm if you need me." she says as she gets up and walks off. Once she gets to the dorm she panics. Why is she freaking out? She doesn't even care about Malfoy. He torments her brother and her. They hate each other. So why does she care?

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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