Back at school.

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"HAROLD! HURRY UP" I heard my mum yell. I was coming back to school after summer break, I just went to a new camp. It wasn't anything new, it was one of the most bland ones I go to. I go to it reluctantly every year, it was my least favourite. "HURRY UP HAROLD!! DO YOU WANT TO WALK?" I sighed before yelling "GOSH, JUST WAIT A MINUTE! IM JUST GRABBING MY BAG," I swung my bag on my shoulder, fixed my glasses that's probably been broken, lost or- who knows what's happened to them.. i grabbed my electric keyboard I bring with me everywhere, I let Cody use it in music class because our school doenst stock them and they're hard to find, they're usually around $1k. I walked outside and hopped in my mums jeep. "Harold, what took you so long!" She started complaining, looking at the road. "I didn't take that long, gosh you made me pull a muscle! My leg hurtssssss" I said in a dramatic tone, I looked out the window  and saw Duncan- ew. He's always been my bully, playing pranks on me and sometimes it got physical. Who am I kidding? All the time. The only people who defended me was leshawna and Trent. Justin was too scared about his skin to stop him and Cody? He'd get bullied with me. We arrived to school and I hopped out my mums car, "bye Harold!" She said; acting like she didn't scream at me "tell your friends I said hiii!" She acted like my friends were her other kids, she loved them. I would be walking to my friends, they waved me over and I sat down "hi Harold! We were just talking about the new kid, he'd really weird.. pretty sure Duncan's new target." Trent said, new kid? "Gosh, we have to let him join us. He would be hopeless really, what does he even look like?" I asked, being friends with him might be cool but.. I don't know. Haven't even seen the guy. "Sure, if he's in any of my classes I'd invite him to sit with us!" Trent said, Cody butting in. "GUYS!! WHAT DO YOU HAVE FIRST PERIOD!!" Cody yelled, "gosh Cody, calm down! We all have music. I think? We're always in the same music class" I said "you're right, come on let's see if the new kids in our class." Justin said, he picked up his bag whilst I grabbed my electric keyboard and swung my bag on my back, walking to music. I saw the new kid outside art class I think, I just saw the back of his head.

I'll use *** as a time skip now on.

We entered music class, same people as always just different class times. Noah was in out class now though, not going to help because Cody would be all romantic with him, gosh. Noah would get assigned with us, ironic.. we had to write a song and preform it infront of my class, we only had 50 minutes and it had to be a 1-3 minute song, that was like impossible but I had a song in my notes, it was not the best not the worst. I was finishing the song up, hearing Trent say "guys Harold's al is done, stop being all lovey dovey." To Noah and Cody, Noah blurted out "we're just friends, shut up." "Yeah yeah, I bet you two would start dating any chance you got." At the corner of my eye I saw Cody turn the same shade of my sleeves, red. "Gosh guys, shut up I finished!" I said, smiling. They came over and discussed what parts they'd be playing; thankfully there was a part Noah could join in on.


I saw the new kid at break, he was getting best up by Duncan; poor guy. I heard him struggle, saying; "WHATS YOUR PROBLEM, EY?" I heard him yell, I would feel horrible for him, I was really good at fighting but I'm not as strong as him, worth a shot though. I just left Cody, Justin and Trent. I walked up behind Duncan and started yapping "gosh, picking on a new kid? So original of you, perfect for his first impression of the school." I saw Duncan turn around and try punch me but thanks to all those classes, I dodged it "try harder" I said, damn where was this newfound confidence I had? I'm not complaining.. I saw leshawna walking over, I looked at the ground where the new kid was and he was gone. I saw leshawna coming over, that would get Duncan away "OI! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING TO HAROLD?!" heard her yell, then she started screaming at him which I took as a signal to walk away. As I was walking to my friends I felt someone grab my wrist, pulling me back. "Gosh! What the fuck was tha-" i got cut off by Ezekiel "Thanks for helping me out there Harold, I'm called Ezekiel BUT you can call me zeeke!" He seemed really embarrassing but oh well. "How do you know my name" I felt a bit weird and nervous around him. I just felt.. off... I heard Ezekiel say "oh I heard your name because that uhh girl said it!" I believed him.  "Do you have anyone to sit with? Come sit with me and my friends" I invited him to sit with me and my friends "sure man, let's go." He grabbed my wrist dragging me along with him. He knew exactly where they were, I didn't question it but that's alright.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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