Suprising news

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Joey's P.O.V

I had to everyone else... But, what would their reactions be or what will they say?

I had to tell them... I took my phone out and dialed my sister, Nicole's number first then, my parents.


I told my family and they were a happy for me and I felt relieved.

They accepted me for being gay and now for being pregnant.

I still had to tell everybody else so, I did what I had to do.


So, far... Everybody was happy and are excited for me. All of my friends and family.

Now, I have to tell the last person... Daniel.

I was so nervous and scared. I don't know he is going to say or how he will react or handle it.

He was getting his shoes and we were going out, but before we do.. I got to tell him.

He sat down on the couch and began to put his shoes on. I sat down next to him and I sighed.

"Daniel?" I said.
"What?" He asked.
"I got to tell you something.." I said nervously.
"What is it?" He asked.

I looked down and I looked back up and reached into the back of my pocket.

"I-I'm uh... believe it or not uh.. I'm pregnant." I said and smiled slightly nervous.

I took the pregnancy test out of my back pocket and showed it to him.

"Is this a prank? Are you serious?" He asked shocked.
"Yes.. I really am pregnant" I said.

He hugged me and I hugged him back.

"I'm so happy" He said happily and kissed my cheek.

Aww.... Anyways, who knows what will happen along the way?

Anyways, as always! Until next time! So long!

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