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(Hi guys! I'm back after I think a couple years to give you this school sanctioned solangelo fanfiction. Enjoy these 6639 words of mostly pure fluff, it is very cheesy and probably very mediocre at best but oh well)

Nico turns back after finishing his conversation with Percy, to find Will waving him back over from his spot next to the Apollo cabin. As soon as he was near him, Will grabbed Nico by the hand and started dragging him towards the infirmary. Nico wrenched his hand out of Will's grip as he felt the skeletal butterflies once again in his stomach.

"I can walk on my own, Will," Nico grumbled. Will just shrugged nonchalantly in response and started walking forward again. Nico followed after him, though as he was walking he could feel his exhaustion begin to creep up on him from not sleeping. He had already been pretty tired from attempting to not fade into shadows after shadow traveling and summoning the horde of skeletons, and then he pulled the all-nighter last night, so he was definitely stumbling a bit as he walked.

Will noticed almost immediately, and quickly dropped back and put a steadying arm around him, just like he had after Nico had summoned the skeleton during the battle, and the same electrifying currents ran through him at the touch. This time, Nico didn't complain, simply letting Will help him along toward the infirmary. A short walk later, they reached the entrance, Will leading Nico inside.

The inside of the infirmary was still pretty full from after the battle, though most campers at that point had recovered after being given some nectar and ambrosia. Children of Apollo mostly hung out beside some of the cots and talked with the campers in them. Will took him past most of the beds and into a cot in the corner, where a couple of windows let in a lot of natural light.

"Now, Death Boy, you're still very much at risk from fading into shadows, so no Underworldy stuff until I give you the go ahead on that. And here, you'll be in an area with a lot of natural light, so that should help," Will spoke. He motioned for Nico to sit down on the cot.

Nico groaned at Will's words but sat down anyway. "Now, I need to check you for any injuries, so you're going to have to take off your shirt for me." Nico froze, and flushed a bit after processing what Will had said. Even if he knew it was for medical purposes only, it was still a bit weird to Nico, but he did take his shirt off. Will gasped when he saw the hastily stitched werewolf scratches on Nico's bicep of his right arm.

Reyna had hastily stitched them up while they were on their way to Camp Half-Blood, on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic, but they had not had many supplies or time. The scratches were now angry and red, and still very much painful.

"Why did you not come into the infirmary sooner," Will whisper-shouted exasperatedly, "these look serious. I'm going to grab some actual stitches." Will rushed off to a cabinet of medical supplies towards the entrance of the infirmary. Nico settled back in the bed and watched him. His bright blonde hair practically glowed in the sunlight, and though the green surgeon shirt and jeans were a bit worn, he looked very good in them. When Will turned back around to him, Nico looked away, and when he looked back up Will was already right next to the cot.

"Okay, so I'm going to cut these stitches, clean the scratches, and then stitch them back up, does that sound good?" Will spoke clearly, and Nico nodded in response. Will reached up with a pair of scissors and snipped the stitching. Nico felt a bit of pain as the stitches tugged on the skin around the scratches, but it wasn't too bad. What came next hurt like the waters of the phlegethon though, as Will took a rag with rubbing alcohol on it and wiped it against the scratches.

Nico hissed as the pain flared up, and Will apologized softly as he continued cleaning up the scratches. After he was done with that, Will gave Nico a small square of ambrosia which he ate slowly, feeling the pain recede a bit, and some of the redness around the scratches went away too. Will then began to stitch his scratches back up, while reciting a healing mantra that eased his pain and closed them up a bit.

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