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"Ok kiddo, we're been searching for hours! Can we have a break?" Void whined as he sat on the nearby bench. "First of don't call me kiddo,second stop being a baby! Back in our world I left you for 2 minutes and come back saw you gone, and I can't find you for hours unless I called you for lunch or dinner" Midnight explained as she leaned on the wall while crossing her arms.

Void rolled his eyes and swayed his tail slow "kids these days" Midnight raised a brow "shut the fuck up old man, keep talking so you can have your energy back slowly or you want to take a nap?" Void glared at her "I'm not that old" Midnight rolled her eyes "keep talking grampa"
after a while they were back at walking,
As they walked in a alleyway a flash of light,speed past Infront of them, they looked at the right to see a glowing crystal, they cautiously followed it before it quickly floats away "hey!" Void yelled and both of them ran towards the floating crystal.

"What the hell is that?" Midnight said as she ran behind Void and followed the crystal "I don't know but that's our clue, get that!" Void yelled and run faster, Midnight tried to keep up since she's a human
"W-wait up!" Midnight was starting to slow down but keep going.

They we're running for minutes just to catch the crystal, Midnight's legs gave up and falls on the ground panting hard clutching her sides as she tried to slow her breathes. Void looked back at Midnight but focused on the crystal, he starts to run at four that makes him faster. He jumped on a garbage bin and climbed up the wall and jump off the edge trying to get the crystal.
He was about to get the crystal in the air but it wasn't enough.

He starts to fall from the building he screamed as he falls towards the ground, Midnight yelled his name.

Void closed his eyes preparing for the incoming impact, but nothing came. Void opens one of his eyes and looked down and noticed he was standing on the ground.
"Huh" Void said as Midnight finally catched up with him "you *huff* sounded like *puff* a girl" Midnight chuckled

"No I'm not... Hey kid, are you ok?" Void asked walking towards Midnight "I'm fi-"
Midnight didn't finished her sentence and fainted.

Void freaked out and caught her on time before she hit the ground, Void sighed and Carried her and walked back to the hotel.
"Hey Void! Oh what happened to Midnight? Is she ok?" Charlie looks at Midnight as they walked in the room.
"She... Was exhausted and passed out"
Void said "well, you two should take a rest"
Void nod "thanks, but I have more stamina left" Charlie nods and smiles at him

Void goes to Midnight's room and opened the door, he sets Midnight down on the bed and put a blanket over her.
Void smiled softly and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.
He saw charlie again and called her
"Charlie!" Charlie stopped walking and look back at him, void jogged towards her.

"Hey, what do you need?" Charlie asked
"Is there any Library in the hotel?" Void asked as charlie a smiled and nod.
"Yes of course! Would you like me to show you the way?" Charlie asked "that would be helpful, princess" Charlie nods and smiles
"Just call me Charlie" Void nod and they started walking.

" Here we are" Charlie said and turned to Void "if you need anything just tell me, ok?" Void nod and smiled "I will, thank you" Charlie smiled back and left.
Void looked around as his eyes scanned the place. The place was so calming and soft Aura, with the red and black walls and maroon flooring with tons of tons of books and shelf with labels. Void walked around and tried to look for a specific section.


"aha!" Void said and grab some couple of books, he sat on the near table and scanned the books he had. He opened the book and tried to read the words.
"Uhm..." He stuttered out "hey, you ok?" Charlie suddenly asked behind Void making him slight jump on his seat.
"Hey, charlie. But please don't do that"
Charlie blink twice and nod "sure, oh you need help on anything?"

Void sighed and nod "actually yes" Charlie nod and smiled "ok! What is it so I can try my best to help" Void hesitate for a bit and then points at the book "c-can you read this book for me?" Void chuckled in embarrassment, Charlie nod and grab the book and looked at the page "hmm, sure! But may I ask...why do you need me to read this for you?" Charlie asked and raised a brow "well... I can't see the letter correctly because my vision is a little blurry heheh.."
Void explained as a single bead of sweat run downs his forehead "well ok then" charlie said and read the words.

" Legend has it that there exists a set of seven ancient crystals, each possessing unique powers beyond comprehension. These mystical crystals are said to hold the key to traveling to a parallel dimension, a place of wonders and mysteries beyond imagination. According to the ancient tales, those who are able to harness the energy of all seven crystals are granted the ability to transcend reality and explore this alternate realm." Charlie flipped the page and continued reading. "However, the journey is not without its challenges. Those who have attempted to enter this otherworldly dimension have found themselves transported to unfamiliar landscapes and encountering strange beings. In order to return home, one must collect all seven crystals scattered throughout the dimension and combine their powers to unlock the portal back to their own world. Void listened carefully as Charlie continued to read "Many have searched for these legendary crystals, drawn by the promise of adventure and the possibility of unlocking the secrets of the universe. Yet, skeptics dismiss the tales as mere myth, believing that such powers could only exist in the realm of fairy tales and folklore." Charlie paused and looked at Void, his ears are perked up listening carefully in every word she says. Charlie's eyes went back to the page she was currently reading. "Despite the skepticism, the allure of the seven crystals remains strong, captivating the hearts and minds of those who dare to dream of traveling to another dimension and unraveling the mysteries that lie beyond. The quest for the seven crystals continues, shrouded in mystery and wonder, waiting for those brave enough to seek out the truth hidden within the myth." Charlie sets the book on the table and looked at Void "well, that's the end of the short story" Void nod " thanks Charlie" Charlie smiled "no problem!" Void sighed and shut the book before turning to back Charlie "that's all for today, again thank you for helping me"
Charlie nod and left the room leaving Void and his thoughts.

'A myth?... According to the pictures it was a diamond shape crystal with unique designs, it was often seen floating leaving a trail based on the world the crystal is in...and this is no myth, we just saw one... But the question is... Why are we here in the first place?' Void fills his head with what if's and some thoughts before going to his room next to Midnight's and took a nap.

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