Hell appears to be closer than expected.

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I watched through the window as my high school neared the courner, I could see the old, crumbly, red-ish,brownish brick walls nearing closer. I wondered, "for a school named lavender high...I expected more of a light lavender....." I thought quietly while the car neared the old school...
As the car got closer to the school, I wondered a couple if things "what would people think if the lame girl....what will they do to the new lame shy girl...." my mind always had these dark thoughts of myself, I was always afraid if someone looked into my thoughts, they wouldn't be able to handle the darkness I face on a regular.....
My Aunt's car stopped abruptly, causing my head to bash into the windshield of her car with a thud, I whimpered and rubbed the now forming bump on my head, "great...another reason to make fun of me" I thought as my aunt rubbed the bump on my head and muttered something along the lines of "Collita de rana" or something, she was a bit wierd....and she wasn't exactly the same color as me which I found a bit wierd and disgusting, like, really? You could've been born with a lighter skin color...but whatever
"Hurry up and get out,I have some work to do at the office, if anything happens, call your uncle's number, okay?" My aunt said as she handed me soem band-aids "Yeah....okay.." I replied to my Aunt when I exited the car. I closed the door of my Aunt's bloody red 2012 Honda Civic.... I stood and watched as the reflection of myself on the car's red surface slowly move away as the car drove off, my eyes trailing the cars red surface as it rounded the courner of Lavender high -- named after the person who founded the school, ban lavender-- and drove off in to the city....
When I tore my eyes off of my Aunt's bloody red vehicle, I turned around to face the big redish brownish building which a rusty flagpole,which looks really old and dumb... I looked around to see where I could wait until the school opened, there was an oak tree that stood tall and healthy near the courner of the school, the branches of the oak tree spread out like when you spill a cup of black coffee.... casting a shdow down at the dead grass, most people avoided that place, but I felt a strange connection to that tree...
I cross the street, looking down at the gravel road, not trying to stare at the gaze of the people around me everyone looked so cool...and i looked like a lame-o...I just tried not to think about the friends that i've lost and left behind since the move...since their death...since they had their final sleep...their big rest.... and now another thing worried me...what if people thought i was wierd...then i would be a wierdo like i was before..what if i make no firend but enemies... I just tired to not to think about it....but somehow those thoughts still managed to poke through the shield I held against them, like the shield I held against the thoughts were made out of a palstic bag and the thoughts were a hot knife that sat in a car for 16 years...
All noise suddenly sounded like Lowe mutter, everything around me blurred into black as I stood still on the road, frozen in sadness and anxiety The thoughts were getting to me... and getting to me fast, making me think about the fears I would have to face in school... making me think about...them...
I feel the hot, salty, and comforting liquid humanity had named "tears" which the scientific word was licrimal fluid trickle down my cheek and drop onto the gravel road...I quietly sobbed in the middle of the streets, my tears forming faster in my lacrimal glands and trickle down quicker....god....why was I such a pathetic, fragile, girl... I shut my eyes tightly, covering my eyes with my hands, but it didnt stop the licrimal fluid from trickling past my hands and onto the gravel road....why did I have to be like this...this emotional...I just wished iw as with my parents right now...dead..
I heard multiple muffled yells and shouts....but I had to push those dark thoughts away...for my mom...and dad...and the ones i've lost.....but as quickly as I delved in my thoughts the quicker a voice snapped me out of my thoughts. It shouted the words "GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD!!!" Making me uncover my eyes from my teary eyes and wip my head towards the source of the noise
A headlight flashed in my vision, when I got used to it in 2 aeconds...it would be too late when I saw the motorcycle headed towards my frozen body,my knees buckeld under me as my eyes widened at the relization...I would soon ne joining my parents in heaven...or where they ended up... hopefully..I would be with them...either if it was hell or heaven... I closed my eyes in accepting if my death...letting out a shaky breath as I feel the vibrations if the motorcycle close the gap betweenthe balck motorcycle and i have...
I suddenly felt two sharp grasps on my right and left hand before pulling me, making my eyes flutter open, they birefly let go of my wrists and then tightly grasping my wrist when I fell close, and pulling me close to their warm chests, there was sharp yelling and threats before they let go of my wrists and I could finally get some air, when I looked up I saw...monozygotic twins! The male was a tall tan guy with short wavy hair that covered half of his fourhead and asmall mole under his left eye, he had a dark blue shirt on with normal jeans and red chucks. The female was 1 inch shorter than her brother and had long wavy black hair and a small mole under her right eye, she wore a dark red shirt with a dark red jacket and normal jeans with black boots. My eyes widened and I blushed as I noticed that they were both staring at me, licrimal fluid forming gin my eyes, glossing my sapphire blue eyesas I stared back at them in appreciation.. "Th-thank you..." I shyly said with a small smile plastered on my lips. The female and male wiped away my tears, the male on my left,and the female on my right , their thumbs rubbing my eyes gently, wiping away the tears I ahd on my eyes and they both said In a sweet tone "No problem..."...
Before I could say another word, a loud gruff voice made me flinch as I heard the man yell, causing me to hug the female tightly,burying my head into her chest. "WHAT THE FUCK!?! YOUR WHORE JUST CAUSED ME TO GET A FLAT TIRE!" The angry male yelled, my arms tightened around the female who as taller than me by 7.10 inches, the female wraps on arm around me and yelled back at the man "Oh please!!like I care about you're stupid tire! This wonderful girl could've been turned into roadkill because of you didn't look whiel you were driving, Roan!!"...that name sounded familiar....I turned turned my head around to see...a guy...he looked pretty Huff and has shorts balck hair with a grey streak in his hair, he was taller than the twins and wore a black leather jacket with a dark grey shirt and dark blue pants... and he was staring directly at my sapphire blue orbs...
I turned my head towards the female's chest as Roan yelled "I don't give a fuck! She was the one standing in the middle of the road crying like a wuss!".... is that what people really thought of me...a lame wuss...?... "Dont you dare say that about her! You haven't even met her yet and I bet she's a great person, unlike you!" The male yelled back at Roan... I turned my head towards Roan to see him walk away in an angry fit, I looked back up to see the female staring right back at me, "you alright?" She asked while rubbing my tears away with her thumb.. "y-y-ye-yeah..." I muttered,looking up at them both before retracting my arms from the female's body and placing them in my pockets. "Wh-wh-who are you guys...?".
AND THATS THE END FOR TODAYS CHAPTER!!! I really hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry I didn't post sooner, I ran out of inspiration but then I got more inspo to write a bunch!!!!

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